Petals-SE-Flowable 1.5.0+

Version 1 by Christophe DENEUX
on Jun 02, 2022 11:06.

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{warning}This version must be installed on [Petals ESB 5.3.0|petalsesb530:Petals 5.4.0|petalsesb540:Petals ESB 5.34.0]+{warning}


This version of the component is based on:
* [Flowable|] v6.7.2 v7.0.0 as embedded BPMN engine. Flowable extensions can be used at the runtime level,
* [Eclipse Jetty|] v9.4.44.v20210927 v11.10.16 as HTTP server for Flowable REST API.

h1. System requirements
The following parameters correspond to the CDK configuration of the service provider implementation.

{include:petalscomponents:0 CDK SU Provide Configuration 5.89.0}

h4. CDK parameters driving interceptors
The following parameters drive interceptors at CDK layer.

{include:petalscomponents:0 CDK SU Interceptor configuration 5.89.0}

h4. Dedicated configuration
The following parameters correspond to the CDK configuration of the service consumer implementation.

{include:petalscomponents:0 CDK SU SE Consume Configuration 5.89.0}

h4. CDK parameters driving interceptors
The following parameters drive interceptors at CDK layer.

{include:petalscomponents:0 CDK SU Interceptor configuration 5.89.0}

h1. Using the mode "integration"
The component configuration includes the configuration of the CDK. The following parameters correspond to the CDK configuration.

{include:petalscomponents:0 CDK Component Configuration Table 5.89.0}

h2. Interception configuration

{include:petalscomponents:0 CDK Component Interceptor configuration 5.89.0}

h2. Component specific parameters
h2. Flow tracing activation

{include:petalscomponents:0 CDK SE Business Monitoring Flow Tracing Activation 5.89.0}

h2. Flow tracing propagation
h3. Common metrics

{include:petalscomponents:0 CDK Component Monitoring Metrics 5.89.0}

h3. Dedicated metrics
h3. Common alerts

{include:petalscomponents:0 CDK Component Monitoring Alerts 5.69.0}

h3. Dedicated alerts
<version>6.0.1</version> <version>7.0.0</version>
<version>1.4.178</version> <version>2.2.224</version>