
compared with
Version 7 by Sandra TRINO
on Jun 08, 2010 09:12.

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Changes (7)

View Page History
* Administration: allows to define application's users and roles.

h1. !worddav2e2c00d8bf869b4284b3ec2830f85838.png|height=325,width=603!

h1. Administration
h1. !Welcom.png|thumbnail,border=1,align=center!Administration

h2. Roles management

All editing, filtering refreshing and exporting features are the same as in Global view, with added possibility to filter view by a parameter.
Here, you have a button for more: "Delete" button will remove the flow of a type which the number of days has been configured in the referential.
Warning, if you have a large quantity of flows in your database that you want to delete, this operation can take several minutes.

You can
Two methods, which allow to find all referentials (getAllFlowReferentialType()) and delete the flows(removeOldFlow(int type)) are exposed webservice.