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This feature allows you to import a referential that you previously exported. This screen is composed of two tabs:
Import data by URL: provide an absolute url.
Import data by file: browse your computer to select the adequate .xml file.

* Import data by URL: provide an absolute url.
* Import data by file: browse your computer to select the adequate .xml file.


This part of Petals View allows visualization of daily flows instances, either ongoing or finished. You can see them either from a global view (all flows from all flow types) or from a view focused on one flow type.
When clicking on "Global View", a screen appears with a list of all ongoing/finished flows.

\\ !ViewGlobalViewEn.png|thumbnail,border=1!

Default behaviour only lists daily flows (if their starting date is identified).
You can filter the view by selecting a period of time applying on starting date ("after the" and/or "before the").

A new screen arrives, displaying, in addition to general information of the flow, the different steps and their status. This allows easy diagnosis of the causes of a processus failure. Global functional fields and their values are also displayed.
"Refresh" button updates this screen with latest infos.