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This screen can also be accessed by clicking on the flow type name in flow types list.


On this screen you can see: 
- Its General informations, namely its "Type" (non-editable) and name (editable, as long as it is an unique one).
- The list of "unknown" steps associated to our flow (NB: if you create a flow type "from scratch", you won't get this table).
- The Steps that you already configured. Click on "Add" to create new steps to add steps not yet saved in the database, or if you had created the referential "from scratch". 
- Flows deletion rules : Here, you must configure the number of days from which you want to remove flows. If you don't specify the number of days, and you click delete from view by type of flow, you will delete all flows of this type.

Flows deletion rules: Here, you must configure

* The number of days from which you want to remove flows. If you don't specify the number of days, and you click delete from view by type of flow, you will delete all flows of this type.
* The flows batch: this number can cut the flow block to optimize deletion and backup (if configured) in the database. It also determines the number of flows in the xml file backup.
* Save : if you click here, you active the backup. You must configure the path where xml file backup will be saved and its name. The name consists of day backup (yyyy-MM-dd-hh:mm:ss) and name configured in the referential.


To configure an unknown step, click on it, for example the first one, to get the following screen:

* All editing, filtering refreshing and exporting features are the same as in Global view, with added possibility to filter view by a parameter.
* Click on "Delete" to remove all flows of this type, which are older than the number of days defined in the referential ("Days before deletion: x"). If you have configured backup, flows will be saved before deletion.
