Installing Petals View

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h1. First stage: setting up persistent environment
{note}The default configuration uses an H2 database that we don't recommend to use in a production environment.{note}

If you don't have any MySQL (or PostgreSQL) database server up and ready yet, download and install it following your system's procedure.
Then you restart the tomcat server, and now the application may start.

h2. Exception opening port H2 TCP Server

If you use the SE KPI with its default configuration (using H2 database - File mode and server enabled), on RedHat like distribution (RHEL, Federo, CentOS) you can get the following error:

Could not obtain connection to query metadata org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Exception opening port H2 TCP Server (tcp://localhost:40374) (port may be in use), cause: timeout [90061-114])
This error is due to the default classic security policy of the previously listed operating systems that allow only to use port lower than 8900.

Two solutions:
# break this default security configuration,
# replace the H2 database, that is not recommended, by an other database engine.