Installing Petals View

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Current by Laurent Lacôte
on Oct 04, 2010 15:57.

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{multi-excerpt:name=Configuring Petals View}
h1. Stage 2: Configuring Petals View

If you use MySQL database or Oracle database, You need to copy mysql-connector-java-5.1.x.jar or oracle-jdbc-10g.jar in PetalsView/ WEB-INF/lib.

{multi-excerpt:name=Configuring and setting up notification environment}
h1. Stage 3: Configuring and setting up notification environment

* Install the component in Petals ESB
* Install all Services Assemblies you want to use with these components.

{multi-excerpt:name=Creating your and corresponding}
h1. Stage 4: Creating your and corresponding

Here you define the parameters you want to attach to your step. Notice that for now, the parameters attached to an «out» state will not be taken in account.


{multi-excerpt:name=Configuring the Referential in Petals View}
h1. *Stage 5: Configuring the Referential in Petals View*

Repeat the procedure to configure all steps and parameters you want to be shown in Petals View.


h1. Known problems