Petals CLI 2.3.0

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>./ -C
petals-cli@host:port> move-container [--target-domain <domain-0> --target-name <container-0> [--target-host <localhost>] [--target-port <7700>] [--target-user <petals>] [--target-pwd <petals>] --target-pass-phrase <target-pass-phrase>]
Are you sure you want to move the current container ? (y/n)
* the container to move is the container on which Petals CLI is connected
* *--target-domain*: the target domain name, the one that will be joined,
* *--target-name*: the name of the container of the target domain, used as entry point in the target domain,
* *--target-host*: the host name of the container of the target domain. Default value: {{localhost}},
* *--target-port*: the JMX port of the container of the target domain. Default value: {{7700}},