Querying with the Web Service APIs

Petals Master proposes two types of Web Services APIs : a UDDI V2/V3 compliant one and a Petals Master specific one.

A list of all available WS APis available at : http://host:port/petals-master-$\{version-number}/ws 


UDDI specification define two main sets of APIs :
• Inquiry API that allows to locate and obtain detail on entries in a UDDI registry (Petals Master registry in our case).
Petals Master fully implement this API for V2 and V3 UDDI specifications. Some findQualifiers aren't supported and the authentication part isn't implemented yet.
• Publication API that allows to publish and update information contained in a UDDI registry. The publication API isn't implemented yet.
Thank to this UDDI Inquiry API, Petals Master registry could be searched by UDDI V2/V3 compliant clients. For exemple, Eclipse IDE provides a built-in UDDI client based on UDDI V2 API, so you could search for services, organizations, and specifications from Eclipse development environment.
Once Petals Master started, Petals Master UDDI Inquiry Web Services are available at :
Inquiry V2 [: http://host:port/petals-master-$\{version-number}/ws/UddiInquiryServiceV2
Inquiry V3 [: http://host:port/petals-master-$\{version-number}/ws/UddiInquiryServiceV3
For more information about UDDI read the UDDI specification.
For more information about Eclipse IDE UDDI client read the Eclipse documentation.

The Petals Master specific API

Petals Master also provides its own Web Service API. This API allows to search entities in the Petals Master Registry but also to publish or update informations, to remove them, or to do more advanced stuff like linking entities (Person or Organization to Services or Endpoints...).
Here is a list of all available services :
OrganizationManagerService : allows to search, retrieve, update and delete organizations and to manage posts linked to these organizations.

[Available at : http://host:port/petals-master-$\{version-number}/ws/OrganizationManagerService

PersonManagerService : allows to search, retrieve, update and delete persons.

[Available at : http://host:port/petals-master-$\{version-number}/ws/PersonManagerService

PostManagerService : allows to retrieve, update and delete posts.

[Available at : http://host:port/petals-master-$\{version-number}/ws/PostManagerService

WSDLManagerService : allows to import new Services and Endpoints into Petals Master registry by providing their WSDL specifications or to retrieve WSDL specifications linked a given Service or Endpoint. Import and retrieval can be done with string or attached description (mtom ws attachment). Thanks to this API, you could import WSDL with absolute but also relative imports.

[Available at : http://host:port/petals-master-$\{version-number}/ws/WSDLManagerService

ServiceManagerService : allows to search, retrieve, update and delete services and their related documents and categories.

[Available at : http://host:port/petals-master-$\{version-number}/ws/ServiceManagerService

EndpointManagerService : allows to retrieve, update and delete services and their categories.

[Available at : http://host:port/petals-master-$\{version-number}/ws/EndpointManagerService

RoleOfPartyManagerService : allows to create, retrieve or remove links between Services/Endpoints and

[Available at : http://host:port/petals-master-$\{version-number}/ws/RoleOfPartyManagerService

TechnologyManagerService : allows to synchronize and search information about service execution environment like
Petals ESB.

[Available at : http://host:port/petals-master-$\{version-number}/ws/TechnologyManagerService

TModelManagerService : allows to retrieve available categorization/identification systems and associated values for
Organizations, Services and Endpoints.

[Available at : http://host:port/petals-master-$\{version-number}/ws/TModelManagerService
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