
What is Petals View?

Petals View is a webapplication dedicated to Petals ESB flows monitoring.

Installation in a nutshell

  • download these components: petals-se-notification.zip & petals-se-kpi.zi;
  • download petals view's war (petalsview.war);
  • create all sa-kpi you need to get the infos you want (with prior installation and configuration of related components and services assemblies).

How does it work?

  • You configure a component so that when it is installed, it will register in petals-se-notification base: "I will send notifications to you".
  • Upon reception, petals-se-notification forwards these notifications to petals-se-kpi (configured with its own services assemblies – sa-kpi).
  • What is a sa-kpi? It's a set of filters that will select specific information among the whole flow data. Whenever a notification fits with a sa-kpi, this notification (with selected data only) will be saved in a relational database. This database has to be shared between KPI Service Engine and Petals View.
  • Petals View then connects to this database to retrieve informations.
  • Messages are saved into the database in a "raw" format. Petals View will give them meaning by naming and organizing them in a human-readable way.

This diagram presents monitoring-related relationships between Petals ESB, various components, SE-notification, SE-KPI, configured sa-kpi and Petals View.

Topics covered in the tutorial

This tutorial will teach how to set up notifications in Petals ESB, then view them in human-readable way thanks to Petals View.
The case study is: find all defenders of a football team amongst Euro2008 selections.
This diagram is an overview of the steps to follow.

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