Setting up notification environment

Create in tmp directory the two directories we'll use in the tutorial: foot et footResponse. These directories must be created prior to running Petals ESB.

Petals ESB

Open a terminal and go to petals-platform-3.0.5/bin directory.

Type: ./ -C (to launch in console mode)

Components configuration

You'll be shown hererunder the procedure to configure notification for a component. You'll have to repeat the process for each component that will send notifications. In our tutorial, there are three components to configure: BC-SAOP, FileTransfert and EIP. We'll do the configuration for to explain the methodology.

Go to

Open jbi.xml file.

On line with <petalsCDK:notifications>: change the value from false (default) to true.

Save the modifications.

Do the same for the two other components.

Installation of components in Petals ESB

Install component

this component (SE-Notification) has to be installed before any other component. We advise you to use a out-of-the-box Petals ESB.

Install and configure the other components:,, et;

Install all SA from within PetalsView-SA directory;

Install all (9 au total) that you created in Petals Studio.

You can check that everything runs smoothly by copying foot.xml in tmp/foot directory.

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