This part of Petals View allows visualization of daily flows instances, either ongoing or finished.
You can see them either from a global view (all flows from all flow types) or from a view focused on one flow type.
When clicking on "Global View", a screen appears with a list of all ongoing/finished flows.
Default behaviour only lists daily flows (if their starting date is identified).
You can filter the view by selecting a period of time applying on starting date ("after the" and/or "before the").
You can also filter the view by flow status or flow type, thanks to the dropdown menus located in table header.
- "See all flows" buttons makes Petals View displays any and all flows, including the unknown ones, without any time limitation
- "Refresh" button allows to update the table to check latest flows.
- "Export" button exports the table you see on the screen in CSV (the separation of the results is ";").
To analyse a flow in detail, click on its instance identifier (the number) in the table.
A new screen arrives, displaying, in addition to general information of the flow, the different steps and their status. This allows easy diagnosis of the causes of a processus failure. Global functional fields and their values are also displayed.
"Refresh" button updates this screen with latest infos.
Clicking on a step brings you a detailed dynamic view of this step:
Finally, you can display all flows of a chosen type by clicking on its name in the "Flow supervision" menu of left panel.
- All editing, filtering refreshing and exporting features are the same as in Global view, with added possibility to filter view by a parameter.
- Click on "Delete" to remove all flows of this type, which are older than the number of days defined in the referential ("Days before deletion: x"). If you have configured backup, flows will be saved before deletion.
![]() | If you have a large quantity of flows in your database that you want to delete, this operation can take several minutes. |
This deletion feature can be used through a webservice, the wsdl address is http://host:port/PetalsView/ws/FlowManagerService?wsdl. The webservice expose two methods removeOldFlow(int type) (which makes deletion) and getAllFlowReferentialType() (which returns a list of each refernetial type's integer). This allows you to easily delete old flows for any/all types. These two methods can be used if you want to set up an automatic deletion process flows.