Known Problems

Version 1 by Christophe DENEUX
on Apr 29, 2011 16:41.

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This line was removed.
This word was removed. This word was added.
This line was added.

Changes (1)

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You have probably selected something in the DOS shell (e.g. the JMX URL of Petals).
This selection has blocked the underlying process (Petals). Consequently, all the requests have been waiting for the process to _come back_. By giving it the focus back (_enter_), the process is unblocked.

h1. Mime type 'text/html' installing or deploying a JBI archive

*Operating system:* All


When installing a component or deploying services, I get the following error message:

The remote resource [http://server:port/context] is not a valid JBI archive: text/html
If the installed archive is downloaded from Internet and it is needed to download it through a HTTP(s) proxy, perhaps have you forgotten to to configure your HTTP(s) proxy settings.


Configure your HTTP(s) proxy settings editing the startup script to add your properties as JAVA_OPTS. Available properties to configure your HTTP(s) proxy are listed on the Java documentation: [Java networking and Proxies|].
if [ -z "$JAVA_OPTS" ]; then
JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080"