Petals Documentation

You can access the documentation of the latest released distribution of Petals ESB here (version 5.3.0).
The top menu will help you to browse all the documentation spaces. You can download Petals ESB on its web site.

Petals ESB is an open-source Enterprise Service Bus.
The last Petals release comes with...

Petals ESB and almost all its tools are licensed under the terms of the LGPL license.
The only exception is Petals Studio, licensed under the terms of the EPL license.

See details below and in the documentation spaces.

User Guides

The last Petals distribution includes...

The Petals Server  

  • Petals ESB comes as a stand-alone Java server.
  • This server is made up of several modules (service registry, routing, transporters...).
  • It supports a distributed mode, which means several instances can constitute a single virtual ESB.

JBI Components  

  • Binding Components enable bridges between Petals services and external systems or applications.
  • Service Engines are components with internal logic, such as service orchestration, transformation, routing, etc.


  • Petals Cockpit is a web interface to administrate a set of Petals ESB topologies.
  • Petals ESB Deployer is a tool to manage the deployment of a whole Petals ESB bus.
  • Petals ESB CLI is a command-line interface to administrate a set of Petals servers.
  • The Petals ANT tasks is a set of ANT tasks to execute administration commands.

Platform Monitoring

  • Petals ESB includes a JMX server.
  • This JMX API has been designed so that it can be used with tools like Cacti and Nagios.

Flow Monitoring

  • Petals ESB supports an additional log level called MONIT.
  • Used in combination with specific log handlers, it is possible to extract and collect messages and flows information.
  • Exploitation tools are not part of the Petals suite. They depend on the context (from BI tools to custom dedicated applications).



  • Petals and its tools can be installed manually through a ZIP archive.
  • There are also Debian packages for the Petals server, Petals CLI, and their extensions.


  • The Petals Web Console is a web application to administrate a set of Petals servers.
  • Petals Simple Flow Viewer is a web application to visualize Petals flows extracted with the default file-based logger.
  • A log handler that stores flow information in Mongo DB.

You will find documentation about these different parts in the space associated with your Petals distribution.
A Petals distribution is an archive with Petals ESB and all of its supported and compatible tools and components. The only exception is Petals Studio, which is too big to be included in the distribution, and therefore available separately. This notion of Petals dsitribution exists since the version 4.0 of Petals ESB. Previously, elements were released in several archives.

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Feedback and contributions are welcome, see Contributor Guidelines for more information.
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