Exposing an EJB as a Petals Service

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Current by Vincent Zurczak
on Feb 10, 2012 15:43.

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Start Petals Studio.
In the menu, select *File > New > Service-Unit Project*. Petals Service Provider*.
If you do not see it, go into *File > New > Other...* Then, select *Service-Unit Project* *Petals Service Provider* under the *Petals* category.

In the *Use Case* list, select *Communication*.
In the *Petals Component* list, select *EJB // petals-bc-EJB*.
In the *Component Usage* list, select *Provide or Import a Service in Petals ESB*.
In the *Component Version* list, select the version of the Petals-BC-EJB that you are using in Petals.

Click *Next*.

h2. Specifying the CDK parameters

The CDK is the Petals framework to develop JBI components.
The Petals-BC-EJB component was developed with this framework.

This page requires information related to the CDK.
By default, you have nothing to do here.
The meaning of all the CDK parameters for EJB can be found in the documentation of the [Petals-BC-EJB|petalscomponents:Petals-BC-EJB] component.

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Click *Finish* to complete the wizard.