Petals-BC-JMS 3.0

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Current by Vincent Zurczak
on Jul 04, 2012 15:40.

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{note}If you use ActiveMQ as a JMS server, be careful.
ActiveMQ (AMQ) does not provide a complete JNDI server, which results in limitations with Petals.

* There is no problem with AMQ if you rely on dynamic queues and topics (ActiveMQ's specific mechnaism).
* For static queues and topics, there are two solutions.
** Use a separate JNDI server and configure both Petals and ActiveMQ to use it.
** Rely on AMQ's limited JNDI but upgrade the Petals JMS component (meaning it has to be patched).
The patch consist in putting additional properties in the initial context. See [this discussion|] for more information.

h1. Sending a message to a JMS Queue