Logging in PETALS

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h2. Petals formatter

PetalsFormatter uses the following pattern:
{panel:borderStyle=solid}{+}Petals Node Name+ +YYYY/MM/DD+ +HH:MM:SS,FFF+ +LOG LEVEL+ +LOGGER NAME+ : ?\[LOG MESSAGE\]
The Petals formatter {{org.ow2.petals.log.formatter.LogDataFormatter}} is used for both standard traces of the Petals ESB container and process activity traces. The format of the logged message is :
{panel:borderStyle=solid}+Petals Node Name+ +YYYY/MM/DD+ +HH:MM:SS,FFF+ +GMT+ +LOG LEVEL+ [+LOGGER NAME+] : +LOG MESSAGE+{panel}
For a process activity, the log message is composed of several fields as key/value depending on the JBI component and activity. See [Monitoring Petals ESB Flows with its logs] for more information on fields.

*Example of logging output with PetalsFormatter:* the Petals formatter:*
sample-0 2013/03/07 10:31:31,084 GMT+0100 INFO [Petals.Communication.RMIConnector] : JMX RMI server started at : service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:7700/jmxRmiConnector
node1 2011/08/25 15:44:44,426 GMT+0200 sample-0 2013/03/07 10:31:32,459 GMT+0100 MONIT \[Petals.Container.Components.petals-bc-soap\] : traceCode = 'consumeFlowStepBegin',flowInstanceId = '62cdea40-cf20-11e0-bdfa-000c29523cc7',flowStepId = '62ce3860-cf20-11e0-bdfa-000c29523cc7',flowInterfaceName = '\{[http://usecase1/bpel-P12/]}interfaceName1',flowServiceName = '\{[http://usecase1/bpel-P12/]}serviceName1',flowEndpointName = 'endpointName1',flowOperationName = '\{[http://usecase1/bpel-P12/]}process',client = '',requestedURL = ''