Logging in PETALS

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h1. Petals Logging specificities

{tip}We can found more informations about few concepts mentionned below in glossary [Glossary|http://doc.petalslink.com/display/glossary/Petals+ESB+specific+vocabulary].{tip}

h2. Level 'MONIT'

Petals defines a new specific level: MONIT. This level is used to [trace the exchange process activities and permit to deduce the process taken into account execution launched by an initial request|Monitoring Petals ESB Flows with its logs].

The level MONIT is inserted between levels CONFIG and FINE:
* {{flows-subdir}}: The name of the directory contained in the {{basedir}} where log files of log records associated to process activities are written. Default value: {{flow-monitoring}},
* {{logFilename}}: The name of log files. Default value: {{petals.log}}.

In addition to standard Handler properties (level, formatter, etc..), PetalsFileHandler can be configured through the following extra properties:

* basedir: base directory where log files will be stored. Default value (if no property set) is user home directory.

In this base directory, you'll find two things:
* a *petals.log* file which contains all petals container logs
* a *flow-monitoring* sub-directory which contains flowInstanceId sub-directories (one per flow instanciation).

h2. Logged informations

Following informations are +common{+}{+}s+ to both formatters:
* Petals Node Name
* Timestamp
* Logger level
* Logger component name
* Log message

We can found more informations about previous concepts in glossary [Glossary|http://doc.petalslink.com/display/glossary/Petals+ESB+specific+vocabulary]

{warning:title=Environment variable}
Take in account if the following variable is define or not:


Because, if the previous argument on your Petals process is setted to another logging file, the loggers.properties under /conf +will not be take in account+.

This setting can create a real problem, you do not necessarily understand where it comes directly

h1. Appendix

h2. Default loggers.properties

The default *loggers.properties* is :
{noformat}# PETALS: PETALS Services Platform
# Copyright (C) 2005 EBM WebSourcing
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
# USA.
# Initial developer(s): EBM WebSourcing

handlers=java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler, org.ow2.petals.kernel.logging.PetalsFileHandler

java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = INFO
java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = org.ow2.petals.kernel.logging.PetalsFormatter

org.ow2.petals.kernel.logging.PetalsFileHandler.level = MONIT
org.ow2.petals.kernel.logging.PetalsFileHandler.basedir = ${petals.home}/logs/
org.ow2.petals.kernel.logging.PetalsFileHandler.formatter = org.ow2.petals.kernel.logging.PetalsFormatter

##Root level
.level = FINEST

##Petals level
Petals.level = FINEST

Petals.Container.Components.level = MONIT

#Petals.PetalsAdminService.level = FINEST
#Petals.AutoLoaderService.level = FINEST
#Petals.ConfigurationService.level = FINEST

#Petals.Container.level = FINEST
#Petals.Container.ContainerService.level = FINEST

#Petals.Container.Lifecycle.level = FINEST
#Petals.Container.Lifecycle.ComponentLifeCycle.level = FINEST
#Petals.Container.Lifecycle.Installer.level = FINEST
#Petals.Container.Lifecycle.ServiceAssemblyLifeCycle.level = FINEST
#Petals.Container.Lifecycle.SharedLibraryLifeCycle.level = FINEST

#Petals.Communication.level = FINEST
#Petals.Communication.TopologyService.level = FINEST
#Petals.Communication.JNDIAgentService.level = FINEST
#Petals.Communication.JNDIService.level = FINEST
#Petals.Communication.JMXService.level = FINEST
#Petals.Communication.RMIConnector.level = FINEST
#Petals.Communication.RemoteCheckerClient.level = FINEST

#Petals.Tools.WebServiceManager.level = FINEST

#Petals.System.level = FINEST
#Petals.System.PersistenceService.level = FINEST
#Petals.System.LoaderManagerService.level = FINEST
#Petals.System.SystemStateService.level = FINEST
#Petals.System.RepositoryService.level = FINEST
#Petals.System.Artifact.FractalArtifactRepositoryService.level = FINEST

#Petals.JBI-Management.level = FINEST
#Petals.JBI-Management.AdminService.level = FINEST
#Petals.JBI-Management.SystemRecoveryService.level = FINEST
#Petals.JBI-Management.InstallationService.level = FINEST
#Petals.JBI-Management.ComponentInstallationService.level = FINEST
#Petals.JBI-Management.DeploymentService.level = FINEST
#Petals.JBI-Management.AtomicDeploymentService.level = FINEST
#Petals.JBI-Management.TransactionManager.level = FINEST

#Petals.JBI-Messaging.level = FINEST
#Petals.JBI-Messaging.RouterMonitorService.level = FINEST
#Petals.JBI-Messaging.RouterService.level = FINEST
#Petals.JBI-Messaging.FlowControllerModule.level = FINEST
#Petals.JBI-Messaging.FlowFilterModule.level = FINEST
#Petals.JBI-Messaging.PriorityOrdererModule.level = FINEST
#Petals.JBI-Messaging.TransportResolverModule.level = FINEST
#Petals.JBI-Messaging.AuthorizationModule.level = FINEST
#Petals.JBI-Messaging.EndpointResolverModule.level = FINEST
#Petals.JBI-Messaging.JAASAuthenticationModule.level = FINEST
#Petals.JBI-Messaging.PriorityOrdererModule.level = FINEST
#Petals.JBI-Messaging.EndpointRegistry.level = FINEST
#Petals.JBI-Messaging.JMXExchangeCheckerClient.level = FINEST

#Petals.JBI-Component.ComponentContext.level = FINEST

#Petals.Transporter.level = FINEST
#Petals.Transporter.LocalTransporter.level = FINEST
#Petals.Transporter.NioTransporter.level = FINEST
#Petals.Transporter.NioTransportProtocol.NioSelectorAgent.level = FINEST
#Petals.Transporter.NioTransportProtocol.NioServerAgent.level = FINEST
#Petals.Transporter.NioTransportProtocol.NioClientObjectPool.level = FINEST

#Petals.WS.level = FINEST
#Petals.WS.ArtifactRepositoryService.level = FINEST
#Petals.WS.DeploymentService.level = FINEST
#Petals.WS.DragonConnectionService.level = FINEST
#Petals.WS.EndpointService.level = FINEST
#Petals.WS.InformationService.level = FINEST
#Petals.WS.InstallationService.level = FINEST
#Petals.WS.JBIArtefactsService.level = FINEST
#Petals.WS.RuntimeService.level = FINEST
#Petals.WS.ServiceAssemblyStateService.level = FINEST
#Petals.WS.TopologyService.level = FINEST


h3. Default log4j.properties

The default *log4j.properties* is :
{noformat}# Set the options for the Console appender.
# Console's layout is a PatternLayout, using the conversion pattern
# %d: current date in ISO8601 format
# %p: priority of the logging event
# %c: category name
# %m: the message
log4j.appender.Console.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %-5p %c{3} %m\n

# Root logger set to INFO using the Console appender defined above.

# Logger definitions #

# CXF logger #

# Hibernate logger #

# Registry logger #
