Logging in PETALS

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In the previous paragraph, you see how to get traces about process instance executions. For a debugging or replaying purpose, it is interresting to get the content of messages exchanged. This is possible using another Petals file handler: {{org.ow2.petals.log.handler.PetalsPayloadDumperFileHandler}} based on the previous file handler {{org.ow2.petals.log.handler.PetalsFileHandler}}.

The content of the messages are dumped in the log files hierarchy defined [above|#log_file_hierarchy] in the directory dedicated to the current process instance. One dump file is created for each message sent or received containing its XML payload. The path of the dump file is logged, if possible as a relative path to {{basedir}}, in the MONIT trace through a dedicated field: {{payloadContentDumpFile}}

This Petals file handler has the same configuration properties than its [parent|#petals_file_handler].