Command 'monitoring'

Version 1 by Christophe DENEUX
on Sep 16, 2013 17:48.

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{warning}In this documentation, the term "Allocated threads" must be understood as "Active threads", see [PETALSDISTRIB-37|]. This naming error will be fixed in the next version.{warning}

h1. Installing the command 'monitoring' for Cacti

[Debian packages|Installing Petals CLI using the Debian packages] or a [full ZIP archive|petalscli211:Installing Petals CLI using the ZIP archive] are available to install this Petals CLI extension. Otherwise, just put the JAR artifact '{{org.ow2.petals:petals-cli-cmd-monitoring}}' in the directory {{$PETALS_CLI_HOME/extensions}}.

[Debian packages are available|Installing Petals CLI using the Debian packages] to install this Petals CLI extension. Otherwise, just put the JAR artifact '{{org.ow2.petals:petals-cli-cmd-monitoring}}' in the directory {{$PETALS_CLI_HOME/extensions}}. To check that the installation is correct, just get the list of available commands of your Petals CLI, you should see the command '{{monitoring}}' in the list:
> ./ -c -- help

Next you must install the Cacti's implementation of monitored objects. Put the JAR artifact '{{org.ow2.petals:petals-cli-cmd-monitoring-mo-cacti}}' in the directory {{$PETALS_CLI_HOME/extensions}}. To check that the installation is correct, just get the list of monitored objects:
Next to the previous manual installation, you must install the Cacti's implementation of monitored objects and the Nagios's implementation of subscription objects. Put the JAR artifacts '{{org.ow2.petals:petals-cli-cmd-monitoring-mo-cacti}}' and '{{org.ow2.petals:petals-cli-cmd-monitoring-so-nagios}}' in the directory {{$PETALS_CLI_HOME/extensions}}.

To check that the installation is correct, just get the list of monitored and subscription objects:
> ./ -c -- help monitoring