Command 'monitoring'

In this documentation, the term "Allocated threads" must be understood as "Active threads", see PETALSDISTRIB-37. This naming error will be fixed in the next version.

Installing the command 'monitoring'

Debian packages or a full ZIP archive are available to install this Petals CLI extension. Otherwise, just put the JAR artifact 'org.ow2.petals:petals-cli-cmd-monitoring' in the directory $PETALS_CLI_HOME/extensions.

To check that the installation is correct, just get the list of available commands of your Petals CLI, you should see the command 'monitoring' in the list:

> ./ -c -- help
               Set the specified level to the specified logger.
   loggers     Return all the loggers.
               Get monitoring information.
   print       Print a message.

Next to the previous manual installation, you must install the Cacti's implementation of monitored objects and the Nagios's implementation of subscription objects. Put the JAR artifacts 'org.ow2.petals:petals-cli-cmd-monitoring-mo-cacti' and 'org.ow2.petals:petals-cli-cmd-monitoring-so-nagios' in the directory $PETALS_CLI_HOME/extensions.

To check that the installation is correct, just get the list of monitored and subscription objects:

> ./ -c -- help monitoring
	- petals-bc-soap: Component BC SOAP
		- service-provider-invokations-count: Counters of service provider requests
		- service-provider-invokations-response-times: Response times of service provider invokations
		- mex-acceptor-thread-pool: Message exchange acceptor pool statistics
		- mex-processor-object-pool: Message exchange processor object pool statistics
		- mex-processor-thread-pool: Message exchange processor thread pool statistics
		- incoming-http-requests-count: Counters of incoming HTTP requests
		- incoming-ws-requests-count: Counters of incoming web-service requests
		- incoming-ws-requests-response-times: Response times of incoming web-service requests
		- http-thread-pool: HTTP Thread pool statistics
		- ws-clients-pools: WS-clients pools statistics
		- outgoing-ws-requests-count: Counters of outgoing web-service requests
		- outgoing-ws-requests-response-times: Response times of outgoing web-service requests
	- generic: Generic monitoring for CDK based component
		- service-provider-invokations-count: Counters of service provider requests
		- service-provider-invokations-response-times: Response times of service provider invokations
		- mex-acceptor-thread-pool: Message exchange acceptor pool statistics
		- mex-processor-object-pool: Message exchange processor object pool statistics
		- mex-processor-thread-pool: Message exchange processor thread pool statistics
	- local-transporter: Message exchange local transporter
		- delivered-messages: Delivered messages
                - ...
        - ...

	- generic: Subscription to the defects of the CDK based component
		- org.ow2.petals.component.framework.process.message.acceptor.pool.thread.dead: A message exchange acceptor thread is dead unexpectedly !
		- org.ow2.petals.component.framework.process.message.processor.object.pool.exhausted: No more message exchange processor is available in the object pool to process message exchange !
		- org.ow2.petals.component.framework.process.message.acceptor.pool.exhausted: No more thread is available to accept message exchange processor !
		- org.ow2.petals.component.framework.process.message.processor.thread.pool.exhausted: No more thread is available to run a message exchange processor !
	- petals-bc-soap: Subscription to the defects of the Petals BC SOAP
		- org.ow2.petals.component.framework.process.message.acceptor.pool.thread.dead: A message exchange acceptor thread is dead unexpectedly !
		- org.ow2.petals.component.framework.process.message.processor.object.pool.exhausted: No more message exchange processor is available in the object pool to process message exchange !
		- org.ow2.petals.component.framework.process.message.acceptor.pool.exhausted: No more thread is available to accept message exchange processor !
		- org.ow2.petals.component.framework.process.message.processor.thread.pool.exhausted: No more thread is available to run a message exchange processor !
		- org.ow2.petals.bc.soap.httpserver.threadpool.exhausted: No more thread is available in the HTTP thread pool to process incoming requests !
		- org.ow2.petals.bc.soap.serviceclientspool.exhausted: No more web-service clients is available in its pool to process outgoing requests !
                - ...
        - ...
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Getting metrics

Monitored objects are designed to get metrics of an internal Petals component:

> ... -c -- monitoring -o <monitoring-object> -f <sub-function> [-h]


  • monitoring-object and sub-function identify the metrics to get. See Monitored objects to get available metrics.
  • -h: Get help on the specified metric.

Metrics are printed on the standard output stream.

Subscribing to defect

Subscription objects are designed to get notification on defects occurring on the Petals container side.

> ... -c -- monitoring -s <subscription-object>
> ... -c -- monitoring -u <subscription-object>


  • -s: subscribe to the defects of the subscription object,
  • -u: unsubscribe from the defects of the subscription object.
    See Subscription objects.

Once a subscription is launched, detected defects are printed on the standard output, and the Petals CLI prompt is always available to enter other commands, as other subscriptions or unsubscriptions. Ctrl-C can be used to interrupt a subscription and to exit from Petals CLI.

Monitored objects for Cacti

Available monitored objects are the following:

Object Metric Command line
CDK-based component Message exchange acceptor thread pool -o generic -f mex-acceptor-thread-pool
CDK-based component Message exchange processor object pool -o generic -f mex-processor-object-pool
CDK-based component Message exchange processor thread pool -o generic -f mex-processor-thread-pool
CDK-based component Service provider invokation number -o generic -f service-provider-invokations-count
CDK-based component Service provider invokation response times -o generic -f service-provider-invokations-response-times
Petals BC SOAP Incoming HTTP request counters -o petals-bc-soap -f incoming-http-requests-count
Petals BC SOAP Incoming WS request counters -o petals-bc-soap -f incoming-ws-requests-count
Petals BC SOAP Incoming WS request response times -o petals-bc-soap -f incoming-ws-requests-response-times
Petals BC SOAP HTTP thread pool -o petals-bc-soap -f http-thread-pool
Petals BC SOAP WS-client pools -o petals-bc-soap -f ws-clients-pools
Petals BC SOAP Outgoing WS request counters -o petals-bc-soap -f outgoing-ws-requests-count
Petals BC SOAP Outgoing WS request response times -o petals-bc-soap -f outgoing-ws-requests-response-times
Local transporter Delivered messages -o local-transporter -f delivered-messages

Petals CDK based components

Message exchange acceptor thread pool

Several metrics about the message exchange acceptor thread pool of the component are available through the sub function 'mex-acceptor-thread-pool' of the monitored object 'generic'. It's usage is:

-n <component-name>

where '<component-name>' is the unique name of the JBI component with which it was deployed.
Returned metrics are:

  • AllocatedThreadsMax, the maximum number of threads allocatable to the message exchange acceptors,
  • AllocatedThreadsCurrent, the current number of threads allocated to the message exchange acceptors.
> ./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o generic -f mex-acceptor-thread-pool -- -n petals-bc-soap
AllocatedThreadsMax:5 AllocatedThreadsCurrent:2

Message exchange processor object pool

Several metrics about the message exchange processor object pool of the component are available through the sub function 'mex-processor-object-pool' of the monitored object 'generic'. It's usage is:

-n <component-name>

where '<component-name>' is the unique name of the JBI component with which it was deployed.
Returned metrics are:

  • BorrowedObjectsMax, the maximum number of borrowed objects,
  • BorrowedObjectsCurrent, the current number of borrowed objects,
  • IdleObjectsMax, the maximum number of idle objects,
  • IdleObjectsCurrent, the current number of idle objects,
  • MaxSize, the maximum size of the object pool,
  • MinIdleSize, the minimum size of the object pool,
  • Exhaustions, the number of exhaustions of the object pool.
> ./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o generic -f mex-processor-thread-pool -- -n petals-bc-soap
BorrowedObjectsMax:50 BorrowedObjectsCurrent:0 IdleObjectsMax:8 IdleObjectsCurrent:8 MaxSize:50 MinIdleSize:10 Exhaustions:25535

Message exchange processor thread pool

Several metrics about the message exchange processor thread pool of the component are available through the sub function 'mex-processor-thread-pool' of the monitored object 'generic'. It's usage is:

-n <component-name>

where '<component-name>' is the unique name of the JBI component with which it was deployed.
Returned metrics are:

  • AllocatedThreadsMax, the maximum number of allocated threads,
  • AllocatedThreadsCurrent, the current number of allocated threads,
  • IdleThreadsMax, the maximum number of idle threads,
  • IdleThreadsCurrent, the current number of idle threads,
  • MaxSize, the maximum size of the thread pool,
  • MinSize, the minimum size of the thread pool,
  • EnqueuedRequestsMax, the maximum number of requests that are enqueued waiting a thread to be processed,
  • EnqueuedRequestsCurrent, the current number of requests that are enqueued waiting a thread to be processed.
> ./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o generic -f mex-processor-thread-pool -- -n petals-bc-soap
AllocatedThreadsMax:5 AllocatedThreadsCurrent:5 IdleThreadsMax:0 IdleThreadsCurrent:1 MaxSize:50 MinSize:2 EnqueuedRequestsMax:0 EnqueuedRequestsCurrent:0

Service provider invokation number

Service provider invokation counters are available through the sub function 'service-provider-invokations-count' of the monitored object 'generic'. It's usage is:

-n <component-name> [--list-operations] | [--query-operations [NAME] | [SUCCEEDED|PENDING|FAULT|ERROR <index>]] | [-t]

where '<component-name>' is the unique name of the JBI component with which it was deployed.

'--list-operations' returns the list of all operations of all service providers of the component that were invoked since the last start of the component. Operations are returned with the following pattern: <operation>@<sp-service-name>@<sp-interface-name>, where:

  • <operation> is the qualified name of the operation,
  • <sp-service-name> is the service name of the service provider,
  • <sp-interface-name> is the interface name of the service provider.
    >./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o generic -f service-provider-invokations-count -- -n petals-bc-soap --list-operations

'--query-operations' returns query result about operation:

Query argument Description
NAME returns operation names of service providers by index. It is used to known which operation is associated to index. The output format is: <index>!<operation>, one operation per line.
SUCCEEDED returns the number of succeeded service provider invokations per operation. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index.
PENDING returns the number of pending service provider invokations per operation. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index.
FAULT returns the number of faulty service provider invocation per operation. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index.
ERROR returns the number of failed service provider invocation per operation. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index.
>./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o generic -f service-provider-invokations-count -- -n petals-bc-soap --query-operations SUCCEEDED

'-t' displays a human readable table of all values about service provider invokations:

> ./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o generic -f service-provider-invokations-count -- -n petals-bc-soap -t
| Interface                                                   | Service                                                            | Operation                                                            | MEP                                   | Execution status || Value  |
| {}Echo | {}EchoService | {}echoOperation | | FAULT            ||  53773 |
| {}Echo | {}EchoService | {}echoOperation | | ERROR            ||    725 |
| {}Echo | {}EchoService | {}echoOperation | | SUCCEEDED        || 182830 |
| {}Echo | {}EchoService | {}echoOperation | | PENDING          ||      0 |

Service provider invokation response times

Service provider invokation response times are available through the sub function 'service-provider-invokations-response-times' of the monitored object 'generic'. It's usage is:


where '<component-name>' is the unique name of the JBI component with which it was deployed.

'--list-operations' returns the list of all operations of allservice providers of the component that were invoked since the last start of the component. Operations are returned with the following pattern: <operation>@<sp-service-name>@<sp-interface-name>, where:

  • <operation> is the qualified name of the operation,
  • <sp-service-name> is the service name of the service provider,
  • <sp-interface-name> is the interface name of the service provider.
    >./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o generic -f service-provider-invokations-response-times -- -n petals-bc-soap --list-operations

'--query-operations' returns query result about operation:

Query argument Description
NAME returns operation names by index. It is used to known which operation is associated to index. The output format is: <index>!<operation>, one operation per line.
SUCCEEDED_MIN returns the minimum value (in milliseconds) of response times of succeeded invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
SUCCEEDED_AVG returns the average value (in milliseconds) of response times of succeeded invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
SUCCEEDED_MAX returns the maximum value (in milliseconds) of response times of succeeded invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
SUCCEEDED_10P returns the 10-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of succeeded invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
SUCCEEDED_50P returns the 50-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of succeeded invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
SUCCEEDED_90P returns the 90-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of succeeded invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
PENDING_MIN returns the minimum value (in milliseconds) of response times of pending invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
PENDING_AVG returns the average value (in milliseconds) of response times of pending invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
PENDING_MAX returns the maximum value (in milliseconds) of response times of pending invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
PENDING_10P returns the 10-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of pending invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
PENDING_50P returns the 50-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of pending invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
PENDING_90P returns the 90-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of pending invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
FAULT_MIN returns the minimum value (in milliseconds) of response times of faulty invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
FAULT_AVG returns the average value (in milliseconds) of response times of faulty invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
FAULT_MAX returns the maximum value (in milliseconds) of response times of faulty invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
FAULT_10P returns the 10-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of faulty invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
FAULT_50P returns the 50-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of faulty invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
FAULT_90P returns the 90-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of faulty invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
ERROR_MIN returns the minimum value (in milliseconds) of response times of failed invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
ERROR_AVG returns the average value (in milliseconds) of response times of failed invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
ERROR_MAX returns the maximum value (in milliseconds) of response times of failed invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
ERROR_10P returns the 10-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of failed invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
ERROR_50P returns the 50-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of failed invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
ERROR_90P returns the 90-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of failed invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
>./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o generic -f service-provider-invokations-response-times -- -n petals-bc-soap --query-operations SUCCEEDED_50P

'-t' displays a human readable table of all values about service provider invokation response times:

> ./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o generic -f service-provider-invokations-response-times -- -n petals-bc-soap -t
| Interface                                                   | Service                                                            | Operation                                                            | MEP                                   | Execution status || Min  | Avg  | Max   | 10P  | 50P  | 90P   |
| {}Echo | {}EchoService | {}echoOperation | | ERROR            || 9013 | 9722 | 12288 | 9015 | 9023 | 11026 |
| {}Echo | {}EchoService | {}echoOperation | | FAULT            ||    3 | 5739 | 22793 |    6 | 6078 | 11682 |
| {}Echo | {}EchoService | {}echoOperation | | PENDING          || 1306 | 2975 | 11350 | 1309 | 1345 |  5103 |
| {}Echo | {}EchoService | {}echoOperation | | SUCCEEDED        ||    2 | 1977 | 19891 |    4 | 1017 |  5621 |

Petals BC SOAP

Incoming WS request counters

Incoming WS request counters are available through the sub function 'incoming-ws-requests-count' of the monitored object 'petals-bc-soap'. It's usage is:

-n <component-name> [--list-operations] | [--query-operations [NAME] | [SUCCEEDED|FAULT|ERROR <index>]] | [-t]

where '<component-name>' is the unique name of the Petals BC SOAP with which it was deployed.

'--list-operations' returns the list of all operations of all web-services that were invoked since the last start of the component. Operations are returned with the following pattern: <operation>@<ws-path>, where <operation> is the qualified name of the operation and <ws-path> is the URL path of the web-service.

>./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o petals-bc-soap -f incoming-ws-requests-count -- -n petals-bc-soap --list-operations

'--query-operations' returns query result about operation:

Query argument Description
NAME returns operation names by index. It is used to known which operation is associated to index. The output format is: <index>!<operation>, one operation per line.
SUCCEEDED returns the number of succeeded invocation per operation. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index.
FAULT returns the number of faulty invocation per operation. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index.
ERROR returns the number of failed invocation per operation. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index.
>./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o petals-bc-soap -f incoming-ws-requests-count -- -n petals-bc-soap --query-operations SUCCEEDED

'-t' displays a human readable table of all values about incoming WS requests:

> ./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o petals-bc-soap -f incoming-ws-requests-count -- -n petals-bc-soap -t
| Service        | Operation                                                                              | WS-client | Execution status || Value |
| /ChargeService | {}chargeOperation | | SUCCEEDED        ||     3 |
| /ChargeService | {}chargeOperation | | PENDING          ||     0 |

Incoming WS request response times

Incoming WS request response times are available through the sub function 'incoming-ws-requests-count' of the monitored object 'petals-bc-soap'. It's usage is:


where '<component-name>' is the unique name of the Petals BC SOAP with which it was deployed.

'--list-operations' returns the list of all operations of all web-services that were invoked since the last start of the component. Operations are returned with the following pattern: <operation>@<ws-path>, where <operation> is the qualified name of the operation and <ws-path> is the URL path of the web-service.

>./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o petals-bc-soap -f incoming-ws-requests-response-times -- -n petals-bc-soap --list-operations

'--query-operations' returns query result about operation:

Query argument Description
NAME returns operation names by index. It is used to known which operation is associated to index. The output format is: <index>!<operation>, one operation per line.
SUCCEEDED_MIN returns the minimum value (in milliseconds) of response times of succeeded invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
SUCCEEDED_AVG returns the average value (in milliseconds) of response times of succeeded invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
SUCCEEDED_MAX returns the maximum value (in milliseconds) of response times of succeeded invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
SUCCEEDED_10P returns the 10-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of succeeded invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
SUCCEEDED_50P returns the 50-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of succeeded invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
SUCCEEDED_90P returns the 90-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of succeeded invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
FAULT_MIN returns the minimum value (in milliseconds) of response times of faulty invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
FAULT_AVG returns the average value (in milliseconds) of response times of faulty invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
FAULT_MAX returns the maximum value (in milliseconds) of response times of faulty invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
FAULT_10P returns the 10-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of faulty invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
FAULT_50P returns the 50-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of faulty invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
FAULT_90P returns the 90-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of faulty invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
ERROR_MIN returns the minimum value (in milliseconds) of response times of failed invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
ERROR_AVG returns the average value (in milliseconds) of response times of failed invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
ERROR_MAX returns the maximum value (in milliseconds) of response times of failed invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
ERROR_10P returns the 10-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of failed invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
ERROR_50P returns the 50-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of failed invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
ERROR_90P returns the 90-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of failed invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
>./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o petals-bc-soap -f incoming-ws-requests-response-times -- -n petals-bc-soap --query-operations SUCCEEDED_50P

'-t' displays a human readable table of all values about incoming WS-request response times:

> ./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o petals-bc-soap -f incoming-ws-requests-response-times -- -n petals-bc-soap -t
| Service        | Operation                                                                              | WS-client | Execution status || Min   | Avg   | Max   | 10P   | 50P   | 90P   |
| /ChargeService | {}chargeOperation | | SUCCEEDED        ||  2986 |  5901 |  8714 |  2986 |  7021 |  8714 |
| /ChargeService | {}chargeOperation | | FAULT            || 12271 | 12271 | 12271 | 12271 | 12271 | 12271 |

Incoming HTTP request counters

Incoming HTTP request counters are available through the sub function 'incoming-http-requests-count' of the monitored object 'petals-bc-soap'. It's usage is:

-n <component-name> [-r]

where '<component-name>' is the unique name of the Petals BC SOAP with which it was deployed.

'-r' returns the number of HTTP requests processed per nature:

  • Information, is associated to all information pages of the BC SOAP,
  • WS, HTTP requests associated to web-service,
  • Unknown, HTTP requests pointing to unknown page.
    >./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o petals-bc-soap -f incoming-http-requests-count -- -n petals-bc-soap -r
    Information:0 WS:7 Unknown:0

HTTP thread pool

Several metrics about the HTTP thread pool of the HTTP server are available through the sub function 'http-thread-pool' of the monitored object 'petals-bc-soap'. It's usage is:

-n <component-name>

where '<component-name>' is the unique name of the Petals BC SOAP with which it was deployed.
Returned metrics are:

  • AllocatedThreadsMax, the maximum number of allocated threads,
  • AllocatedThreadsCurrent, the current number of allocated threads,
  • IdleThreadsMax, the maximum number of idle threads,
  • IdleThreadsCurrent, the current number of idle threads,
  • MaxSize, the maximum size of the thread pool,
  • MinSize, the minimum size of the thread pool,
  • EnqueuedRequestsMax, the maximum number of requests that are enqueued waiting a thread to be processed,
  • EnqueuedRequestsCurrent, the current number of requests that are enqueued waiting a thread to be processed.
> ./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o petals-bc-soap -f http-thread-pool -- -n petals-bc-soap
AllocatedThreadsMax:5 AllocatedThreadsCurrent:5 IdleThreadsMax:0 IdleThreadsCurrent:1 MaxSize:50 MinSize:2 EnqueuedRequestsMax:0 EnqueuedRequestsCurrent:0

WS-clients pools

WS-clients pools counters are available through the sub function 'ws-clients-pools' of the monitored object 'petals-bc-soap'. It's usage is:

-n <component-name> [--list-operations] | [--query-operations [URL] | [INUSE_CUR|INUSE_MAX|EXHAUSTIONS <index>]] | [-t]

where '<component-name>' is the unique name of the Petals BC SOAP with which it was deployed.

'--list-operations' returns the list of all operations of all external web-services that were invoked since the last start of the component. Operations are returned with the following pattern: <operation>@<external-ws-url>, where <operation> is the qualified name of the operation and <external-ws-url> is the URL of the external web-service.

>./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o petals-bc-soap -f ws-clients-pools -- -n petals-bc-soap --list-operations

'--query-operations' returns query result about operation:

Query argument Description
URL returns operation names of external web-service by index. It is used to known which operation is associated to index. The output format is: <index>!<operation>, one operation per line.
INUSE_CUR returns the number of clients of the client pool that are currently used to process external web-service request, per operation. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index.
INUSE_MAX returns the maximum number of clients of the client pool that was used to process external web-service request, per operation. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index.
EXHAUSTIONS returns the number of exhaustions that occurs since the last start of the component, per external web-service operation. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index.
>./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o petals-bc-soap -f ws-clients-pools -- -n petals-bc-soap --query-operations INUSE_MAX

'-t' displays a human readable table of all values about WS client pools:

> ./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o petals-bc-soap -f incoming-ws-requests-count -- -n petals-bc-soap -t
| Service                           | Operation                                                            | MEP                                   || In-use current | In-use max     | Exhaustions    |
| http://localhost:8088/EchoService | {}echoOperation | ||              0 |              1 |              0 |

Outgoing WS request counters

Outgoing WS request counters are available through the sub function 'outgoing-ws-requests-count' of the monitored object 'petals-bc-soap'. It's usage is:

-n <component-name> [--list-operations] | [--query-operations [NAME] | [SUCCEEDED|FAULT|ERROR <index>]] | [-t]

where '<component-name>' is the unique name of the Petals BC SOAP with which it was deployed.

'--list-operations' returns the list of all operations of all external web-services that were invoked since the last start of the component. Operations are returned with the following pattern: <operation>@<external-ws-url>, where <operation> is the qualified name of the operation and <external-ws-url> is the URL of the external web-service.

>./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o petals-bc-soap -f outgoing-ws-requests-count -- -n petals-bc-soap --list-operations

'--query-operations' returns query result about operation:

Query argument Description
NAME returns operation names of external web service by index. It is used to known which operation is associated to index. The output format is: <index>!<operation>, one operation per line.
SUCCEEDED returns the number of succeeded external invocation per operation. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index.
FAULT returns the number of faulty external invocation per operation. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index.
ERROR returns the number of failed external invocation per operation. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index.
>./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o petals-bc-soap -f outgoing-ws-requests-count -- -n petals-bc-soap --query-operations SUCCEEDED

'-t' displays a human readable table of all values about outgoing WS requests:

> ./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o petals-bc-soap -f outgoing-ws-requests-count -- -n petals-bc-soap -t
| External WS                       | Operation                                                            | MEP                                   | Execution status || Value |
| http://localhost:8088/EchoService | {}echoOperation | | PENDING          ||     0 |
| http://localhost:8088/EchoService | {}echoOperation | | ERROR            ||     1 |
| http://localhost:8088/EchoService | {}echoOperation | | SUCCEEDED        ||     6 |

Outgoing WS request response times

Outgoing WS request response times are available through the sub function 'outgoing-ws-requests-response-times' of the monitored object 'petals-bc-soap'. It's usage is:


where '<component-name>' is the unique name of the Petals BC SOAP with which it was deployed.

'--list-operations' returns the list of all operations of all external web-services that were invoked since the last start of the component. Operations are returned with the following pattern: <operation>@<external-ws-url>, where <operation> is the qualified name of the operation and <external-ws-url> is the URL of the external web-service.

>./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o petals-bc-soap -f outgoing-ws-requests-response-times -- -n petals-bc-soap --list-operations

'--query-operations' returns query result about operation:

Query argument Description
NAME returns external operation names by index. It is used to known which operation is associated to index. The output format is: <index>!<operation>, one operation per line.
SUCCEEDED_MIN returns the minimum value (in milliseconds) of response times of succeeded external invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
SUCCEEDED_AVG returns the average value (in milliseconds) of response times of succeeded external invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
SUCCEEDED_MAX returns the maximum value (in milliseconds) of response times of succeeded external invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
SUCCEEDED_10P returns the 10-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of succeeded external invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
SUCCEEDED_50P returns the 50-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of succeeded external invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
SUCCEEDED_90P returns the 90-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of succeeded external invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
FAULT_MIN returns the minimum value (in milliseconds) of response times of faulty external invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
FAULT_AVG returns the average value (in milliseconds) of response times of faulty external invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
FAULT_MAX returns the maximum value (in milliseconds) of response times of faulty external invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
FAULT_10P returns the 10-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of faulty external invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
FAULT_50P returns the 50-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of faulty external invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
FAULT_90P returns the 90-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of faulty external invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
ERROR_MIN returns the minimum value (in milliseconds) of response times of failed external invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
ERROR_AVG returns the average value (in milliseconds) of response times of failed external invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
ERROR_MAX returns the maximum value (in milliseconds) of response times of failed external invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
ERROR_10P returns the 10-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of failed external invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
ERROR_50P returns the 50-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of failed external invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
ERROR_90P returns the 90-percentile value (in milliseconds) of response times of failed external invocation per operation on the current sample. The operation is expressed by its index. The output format is: <index>!<value>, one operation per line. If an index value is set on the command line, the output is limited to the provided index
>./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o petals-bc-soap -f outgoing-ws-requests-response-times -- -n petals-bc-soap --query-operations SUCCEEDED_50P

'-t' displays a human readable table of all values about incoming WS-request response times:

> ./ -h localhost -n 7700 -u petals -p petals -c -- monitoring -o petals-bc-soap -f outgoing-ws-requests-response-times -- -n petals-bc-soap -t
| External WS                       | Operation                                                            | MEP                                   | Execution status || Min | Avg | Max | 10P | 50P | 90P |
| http://localhost:8088/EchoService | {}echoOperation | | SUCCEEDED        ||  12 |  21 |  46 |  15 |  16 |  26 |

Subscription objects for Nagios

Two subscription objects are available and detect the following defects:

  • generic, associated to the CDK-based components, detects:
    Defect Description
    org.ow2.petals.component.framework.process.message.acceptor.pool.thread.dead A message exchange acceptor thread is dead unexpectedly !
    org.ow2.petals.component.framework.process.message.acceptor.pool.exhausted No more thread is available to accept new message exchange !
    org.ow2.petals.component.framework.process.message.processor.object.pool.exhausted No more message exchange processor is available in the object pool to process message exchange !
    org.ow2.petals.component.framework.process.message.processor.thread.pool.exhausted No more thread is available to run a message exchange processor !
  • petals-bc-soap, associated to the Petals BC SOAP, detects:
    Defect Description
    org.ow2.petals.component.framework.process.message.acceptor.pool.thread.dead A message exchange acceptor thread is dead unexpectedly !
    org.ow2.petals.component.framework.process.message.acceptor.pool.exhausted No more thread is available to accept new message exchange !
    org.ow2.petals.component.framework.process.message.processor.object.pool.exhausted No more message exchange processor is available in the object pool to process message exchange !
    org.ow2.petals.component.framework.process.message.processor.thread.pool.exhausted No more thread is available to run a message exchange processor !
    org.ow2.petals.bc.soap.httpserver.threadpool.exhausted No more thread is available in the HTTP thread pool to process incoming requests !
    org.ow2.petals.bc.soap.serviceclientspool.exhausted No more web-service clients is available in its pool to process outgoing requests !

Each subscriptions object for Nagios has the following parameters:

  • -n <component-name, to identify the JBI component to which the (un)subscription applies,
  • -t <mapping-file-url>, to define a file containing the mapping rules to map your Nagios configuration with element of received notifications.

The mapping rule file is a properties file containing:

emitter.<defect_emitter> = <nagios_host>
name.<defect_name> = <nagios_service>

The <defect_emitter> identifier is based on the template: <component-id>@<hostname>, where <component-id> is the identifier of the component (ex: JBI component identifier) sending the defect from the Petals ESB container running on <hostname>, and <defect_name> is one of the previous one.

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