Logging in Petals

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h1. Tuning your logging configuration

h2. How to set the log level of components separately

h2. Petals ESB starts automatically on Debian-based system

Each binding component instance or service engine instance have its own logger that you can configure separately. The logger name has the following pattern: {{Petals.Container.Components.<component-jbi-identifier>}}, where {{<component-jbi-identifier>}} is the unique identifier of the component that you can find in its JBI descriptor.

With the following configuration, all components installed will log with a {{MONIT}} level, except the BC SOAP '{{petals-bc-soap}}' and the BC SQL '{{petals-bc-sql-1}}' that uses the level {{INFO}}. The second BC SQL '{{petals-bc-sql-2}}' will use the level {{FINE}}:

If your Petals ESB containers used in production are:
* installed on Debian-based systems through Debian packages,

h2. Petals ESB starts manually or installed through ZIP archive
If your Petals ESB installation does not satisfy the previous criteria (not running in automatic mode on a Debian-based system), you can improve performance decreasing the level of the log handler 'console':