Logging in Petals

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h2. Log levels

Petals defines a new specific level: MONIT. This level is used to [trace the process activities and permit to deduce the process execution launched by an initial request|Monitoring Petals ESB Flows processes with its logs].

The level MONIT is inserted between levels CONFIG and FINE:
The Petals formatter {{org.ow2.petals.log.formatter.LogDataFormatter}} is used for both standard traces of the Petals ESB container and process activity traces. The format of the logged message is :
{panel:borderStyle=solid}+Petals Node Name+ +YYYY/MM/DD+ +HH:MM:SS,FFF+ +GMT+ +LOG LEVEL+ [+LOGGER NAME+] : +LOG MESSAGE+{panel}
For a process activity, the log message is composed of several fields as key/value depending on the JBI component and activity. See [Monitoring Petals ESB Flows processes with its logs] for more information on fields.

*Example of logging output with the Petals formatter:*
* and, running in [automatic mode|Starting and stopping Petals ESB installed by Debian packages],

you can disable the log handler 'console' for which all generated traces on the standard output are discarded, and used only a log handler 'file' ({{java.util.logging.FileHandler}}, {{org.ow2.petals.log.handler.PetalsFileHandler}} or {{org.ow2.petals.log.handler.PetalsPayloadDumperFileHandler}} according to your needs about the [flow monitoring|Monitoring Petals ESB Flows processes with its logs]).
# Configuration of the log handlers