Petals-SE-Activiti 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT

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|| Operation name || Description ||
| {{getProcessInstances}} | Query process instances according to the given criteria. |
| {{suspendProcessInstances}} | Suspend a process instance list. |
| {{activateProcessInstances}} | Activate a process instance list. |

h3. The operation "getProcessInstances"
The search criteria are given by the following parameters, each criteria operates as a filter:
|| Parameter name || Description || Default value ||
| {{active}} | If "{{true}}", only select process instances which are active, which means that neither the process instance nor the corresponding process definition are suspended | {{true}} |
| {{state}} | Process instances returned must match this state. Possible values are:
* '{{active}}', means that neither the process instance nor the corresponding process definition are suspended,
* '{{suspended}}', means that the process instance or the corresponding process definition are suspended,
* '{{finished}}', means that the process instance has ended. | {{active}} |
| {{process-definition-identifier}} | Process instances returned must match this process definition identifier. | No default value |
| {{process-instance-identifier}} | Only the process instance matching this identifier is returned. | No default value |
* {{variables}}: all variables set at the the process instance level. Each variable is given with its *name* and *value* as {{String}}, except for variable type {{java.util.Date}} for which the date is converted to {{xsd:DateTime}}.

h3. The operation "suspendProcessInstances"

For each process instance identifier of the given list, the process instance will be suspended.

The response returns by this operation is an execution report, where the adjournment result is given for each process instance identifier:
* '{{suspended}}', the adjournment succeeds and the process instance is now suspended,
* '{{not-found}}', no process instance found for the given process instance identifier,
* '{{already-suspended}}', the process instance is already suspended.

h3. The operation "activateProcessInstances"

For each process instance identifier of the given list, the suspended process instance will be activated.

The response returns by this operation is an execution report, where the activation result is given for each process instance identifier:
* '{{activated}}', the activation succeeds and the process instance is now active,
* '{{not-found}}', no process instance found for the given process instance identifier,
* '{{already-activated}}', the process instance is already activated.

h2. The service "TaskService"