Flowable UIs

compared with
Version 6 by Jordy CABANNES
on Oct 19, 2017 16:51.

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# Go to the Flowable directory previously downloaded, then go inside the "wars" subdirectory.
# Copy "flowable-admin.war" and "flowable-idm.war" files in "/var/lib/tomcatX/webapps" where X is the number version of your Apache Tomcat install.
# Go to "/var/lib/tomcatX/lib/".
# In this directory, create a file named "flowable-ui-app.properties". Edit this file copying the texts which is available at this address : [https://github.com/flowable/flowable-engine/blob/master/modules/flowable-ui-admin/src/main/resources/META-INF/flowable-ui-app/flowable-ui-app.properties].
# Edit the following properties:
#* rest.process.app.host: DEFAULT_ENGINE_REST_API_ADDRESS ( by default)