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Flowable UI Admin requires Flowable UI IDM for its identity management that's why it is needed to deploy both webapplications.
Configuration of Flowable UIs is defined in a properties file '{{flowable-ui-app.properties}}' located in Tomcat classpath ({{$TOMCAT_HOME.lib}} or {{/var/lib/tomcatX/lib/}} according to your Tomcat's installation). Create it with the following content (or from [https://github.com/flowable/flowable-engine/blob/master/modules/flowable-ui-admin/src/main/resources/META-INF/flowable-ui-app/flowable-ui-app.properties]):
Configuration of Flowable UIs is defined in two properties files
# '{{flowable-ui-app.properties}}' located in Tomcat classpath ({{$TOMCAT_HOME.lib}} or {{/var/lib/tomcatX/lib/}} according to your Tomcat's installation). Create it with the following content:
# '{{flowable-ui-app.properties}}' located in Tomcat classpath ({{$TOMCAT_HOME.lib}} or {{/var/lib/tomcatX/lib/}} according to your Tomcat's installation). Create it with the following content:
# Flowable engine REST API embedded into the Petals SE Flowable
# Default REST endpoint configs
# Process engine
rest.process.app.name=Flowable Process Engine app
rest.process.app.description=Flowable Process Engine REST config
# Process engine
rest.process.app.name=Flowable Process Engine app
rest.process.app.description=Flowable Process Engine REST config
rest.process.app.name=Flowable engine REST API
rest.process.app.description=Flowable engine REST API embedded into the Petals SE Flowable
rest.process.app.description=Flowable engine REST API embedded into the Petals SE Flowable
idm.admin.user=kermit idm.admin.user=admin
idm.admin.password=kermit idm.admin.password=test
# '{{db.properties}}' located in Tomcat classpath ({{$TOMCAT_HOME.lib}} or {{/var/lib/tomcatX/lib/}} according to your Tomcat's installation). Create it with the following content:
First, starts to install the Flowable UI IDM deploying the WAR file '{{flowable-idm.war}}' available in the Flowable's distribution archive with the Tomcat manager ([http://localhost:8080/manager]). Check this installation going to [http://localhost:8080/flowable-idm] and login with a user having an admin role. You should be able to manage users, groups and privileges. The default user with admin role is 'admin/test'.
Next, install the Flowable UI Admin deploying the WAR file '{{flowable-admin.war}}' available in the Flowable's distribution archive with the Tomcat manager ([http://localhost:8080/manager]).
Next, install the Flowable UI Admin deploying the WAR file '{{flowable-admin.war}}' available in the Flowable's distribution archive with the Tomcat manager ([http://localhost:8080/manager]). Check this installation going to [http://localhost:8080/flowable-admin] and login with a user having an admin role. You should be able to manage Flowable.
If you use a h2 database, you have to change the version of the H2 JDBC Driver embedded in Flowable UI web applications to be aligned with the one used by Petals SE Flowable:
* Get the convenient jar file at: [https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=com/h2database/h2/1.4.178/h2-1.4.178.jar].
* Go inside '{{/var/lib/tomcatX/webapps/flowable-idm/WEB-INF/lib}}' or '{{$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/flowable-idm/WEB-INF/lib}}' and delete h2-1.3.176.jar file.
* Copy the downloaded h2 jar file in this directory.
* Go inside '{{/var/lib/tomcatX/webapps/flowable-admin/WEB-INF/lib}}' or '{{$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/flowable-admin/WEB-INF/lib}}' and delete h2-1.3.176.jar file.
* Copy the downloaded h2 jar file in this directory.
* Reload both web applications
If you use a h2 database, you have to change the version of the H2 JDBC Driver embedded in Flowable UI web applications to be aligned with the one used by Petals SE Flowable:
* Get the convenient jar file at: [https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=com/h2database/h2/1.4.178/h2-1.4.178.jar].
* Go inside '{{/var/lib/tomcatX/webapps/flowable-idm/WEB-INF/lib}}' or '{{$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/flowable-idm/WEB-INF/lib}}' and delete h2-1.3.176.jar file.
* Copy the downloaded h2 jar file in this directory.
* Go inside '{{/var/lib/tomcatX/webapps/flowable-admin/WEB-INF/lib}}' or '{{$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/flowable-admin/WEB-INF/lib}}' and delete h2-1.3.176.jar file.
* Copy the downloaded h2 jar file in this directory.
* Reload both web applications
h4. Connection between database and Flowable UI
Several types of database work with Flowable UI:
Several types of database work with Flowable UI:
#* datasource.driver, datasource.url, datasource.username, datasource.password: assign the values that you gave to these properties in "flowable-ui-app.properties" file.
NB: If you use a h2 database, you have to change Flowable UI web applications h2 jar files.
# Get the convenient jar file at: [https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=com/h2database/h2/1.4.178/h2-1.4.178.jar].
# Go inside "/var/lib/tomcatX/webapps/flowable-admin/WEB-INF/lib" and delete h2-1.3.176.jar file.
# Copy the downloaded h2 jar file in this directory.
# Go inside "/var/lib/tomcatX/webapps/flowable-idm/WEB-INF/lib" and delete h2-1.3.176.jar file.
# Copy the downloaded h2 jar file in this directory.
# Get the convenient jar file at: [https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=com/h2database/h2/1.4.178/h2-1.4.178.jar].
# Go inside "/var/lib/tomcatX/webapps/flowable-admin/WEB-INF/lib" and delete h2-1.3.176.jar file.
# Copy the downloaded h2 jar file in this directory.
# Go inside "/var/lib/tomcatX/webapps/flowable-idm/WEB-INF/lib" and delete h2-1.3.176.jar file.
# Copy the downloaded h2 jar file in this directory.
h4. Access to Flowable UI