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|| Property name || Description ||
| {{db}} | Your database type. Available types are: {{h2}}, {{mysql}}, {{oracle}}, {{postgre}}, {{db2}}, {{mssql}} |
| {{datasource.driver}} | The JDBC driver to use |
| {{datasource.username}}/{{datasource.password}} | Credentials to connect to the database |
|| Property name || Description ||
| {{db}} | Your database type. Available types are: {{h2}}, {{mysql}}, {{oracle}}, {{postgre}}, {{db2}}, {{mssql}} |
| {{datasource.driver}} | The JDBC driver to use |
| {{datasource.username}}/{{datasource.password}} | Credentials to connect to the database |
First, starts to install the Flowable UI IDM deploying the WAR file '{{flowable-idm.war}}' available in the Flowable's distribution archive with the Tomcat manager ([http://localhost:8080/manager]). Check this installation going to [http://localhost:8080/flowable-idm] and login with a user having an admin role. You should be able to manage users, groups and privileges. The default user with admin role is 'admin/test'.
* Reload both web applications
h4. Connection between database and Flowable UI
Several types of database work with Flowable UI:
* h2
* mysql
* oracle
* postgre
* db2
* mssql
A database, whose the type belongs to the list above, has to be deloyed with the Petals-SE Flowable instance. This database will store Flowable UI users and deployed processes.
To connect a database to the Flowable UI you need to follow these steps:
# Go to "/var/lib/tomcatX/lib/".
# Edit "flowable-ui-app.properties" file:
## Comment all datasource.driver properties which does not refer to the type of yout database and uncomment the convenient datasource.driver property.
## Uncomment the datasource.url property and change the value property by the path/address to your database. Comment others database.url properties which are uncommented.
## Assign database login and database password to the datasource.username and database.password properties.
# In "/var/lib/tomcatX/lib/", create a file called db.properties.
# Edit this file copying the text which is available at this address : [https://github.com/flowable/flowable-engine/blob/master/modules/flowable-app-rest/src/main/resources/db.properties].
# Like in "flowable-ui-app.properties" edit the properties of this file :
#* db: assign the type of your database (h2, mysql, oracle, postgres, db2, mssql).
#* datasource.driver, datasource.url, datasource.username, datasource.password: assign the values that you gave to these properties in "flowable-ui-app.properties" file.
h4. Access to Flowable UI
# Go to "/var/lib/tomcatX/bin and execute startup.sh (startup.bat on Windows) script to start Tomcat.
# Go to [http://localhost:8080/flowable-idm] and you will have access to Flowable IDM, and [http://localhost:8080/flowable-admin] for Flowable-Admin.