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rest.process.app.name=Flowable engine REST API
rest.process.app.description=Flowable engine REST API embedded into the Petals SE Flowable
rest.process.app.description=Flowable engine REST API embedded into the Petals SE Flowable
rest.process.app.host= rest.process.app.host=http://localhost
|| Property name || Description ||
|| Property name || Description ||
| {{db}} | Your database type. Available types are: {{h2}}, {{mysql}}, {{oracle}}, {{postgre}}, {{db2}}, {{mssql}} |
| {{rest.process.app.host}} | URL (scheme + host part) of the Flowable REST API running into the Petals SE Flowable |
| {{rest.process.app.port}} | URL (port part) of the Flowable REST API running into the Petals SE Flowable |
| {{rest.process.app.contextroot}} | URL (context part) of the Flowable REST API running into the Petals SE Flowable |
| {{rest.process.app.restroot}} | URL (service part) of the Flowable REST API running into the Petals SE Flowable |
| {{rest.process.app.user}}/{{rest.process.app.password}} | Credentials of the user with privileges to access the Flowable REST API running into the Petals SE Flowable |
| {{rest.process.app.port}} | URL (port part) of the Flowable REST API running into the Petals SE Flowable |
| {{rest.process.app.contextroot}} | URL (context part) of the Flowable REST API running into the Petals SE Flowable |
| {{rest.process.app.restroot}} | URL (service part) of the Flowable REST API running into the Petals SE Flowable |
| {{rest.process.app.user}}/{{rest.process.app.password}} | Credentials of the user with privileges to access the Flowable REST API running into the Petals SE Flowable |
| {{idm.app.url}} | The URL of the Flowable IDM UI web-application, used for authenticate user by other Flowable UIs. |
| {{idm.admin.user}}/{{idm.admin.password}} | Credentials of the IDM user with admin privileges (when running with default configuration: admin/test) |
| {{idm.admin.user}}/{{idm.admin.password}} | Credentials of the IDM user with admin privileges (when running with default configuration: admin/test) |