Flowable UIs

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Next, install the Flowable UI Admin deploying the WAR file '{{flowable-admin.war}}' available in the Flowable's distribution archive with the Tomcat manager ([http://localhost:8080/manager]). Check this installation going to [http://localhost:8080/flowable-admin] and login with a user having an admin role. You should be able to manage Flowable.

If you use a database different from H2, don't forget to add your JDBC driver into the web-applications copying the associated JAR-file in '{{/var/lib/tomcatX/webapps/flowable-idm/WEB-INF/lib}}' and '{{/var/lib/tomcatX/webapps/flowable-admin/WEB-INF/lib}}'.

If you use a h2 database, you have to change the version of the H2 JDBC Driver embedded in Flowable UI web applications to be aligned with the one used by Petals SE Flowable: