Petals-BC-REST 2.3.2+

Version 1 by Christophe DENEUX
on Nov 15, 2022 15:47.

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Changes (4)

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* XML: the HTTP body is filled with the incoming XML payload, possibly transformed by the XSL tansformation defined with '{{xsl}}',
* JSON: the HTTP body is filled with the incoming XML payload, possibly transformed by the XSL tansformation defined with '{{xsl}}', converted into JSON,
* POST_QUERY_STRING: the HTTP body is filled with URL-encoded form data. The form datas are provided through the parameter '{{post-query}}',
* MULTIPART_FORMDATA: A multi-part HTTP request is built. Each part will be defined using '{{form-data}}',
* ATTACHMENT: the attachment of the incoming JBI request is used as HTTP request body. By default the header 'Content-Type' of the HTTP request is initialized with the attachment MIME type. | {center}-{center} | {center}Yes{center} |
| uri | URI template of the external resource.
Value of substitutable parameters are retrieved from XPath expressions given by '{{xpath-param}}', or retrieved from JBI message properties. | {center}-{center} | {center}Yes\*{center} |
Value of substitutable parameters are retrieved first from XPath expressions given by '{{xpath-param}}', next retrieved from JBI message properties, and finally retrieved from placeholders. A placeholder can be also used with its classic expression '$\{placeholder-name}'.
Example: {code}<rest:uri>https://${}:${placeholder.port}/api/library/{}/document/{document-id}/chapters</rest:uri></rest:post-query>{code}
{tip} | {center}-{center} | {center}Yes\*{center} |
| cookie-policy | The cookie policy applied on HTTP connection reuse:
* {{ignore}}: All cookies are ignored,
| buffer-request | if the request should be buffered to be sent, mostly useful with authentication methods that requires multiple retries. | {center}{{false}}{center} | {center}No{center} |
| trust-all-certificates | Do not fail if an HTTPS connection uses an untrusted certificate (self-signed, expired, etc). DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION. | {center}{{false}}{center} | {center}No{center} |
| post-query | The URI template defining form data to put as URL-encoded into the HTTP body.
Value of substitutable parameters are retrieved first from XPath expressions given by '{{xpath-param}}', next retrieved from JBI message properties, and finally retrieved from placeholders.
Example: {code}<rest:post-query>grant_type=client_credentials&amp;validity_period={placeholder.ttl}</rest:post-query>{code}
{tip} | {center}-{center} | {center}Yes, if '{{http-body-type}}' is set to '{{POST_QUERY_STRING}}'{center} |
| xpath-param | Define how to retrieve an URI template parameter as an XPath expression executed on the incoming payload. The attribute {{name}} is the name of the parameter in the URI template, and the value is the XPath expression to apply. | {center}-{center} | {center}Yes, if at least one parameter is included into the URI template{center} |
| authentication | Defines the authentication to set on the REST request.