Use Cases for Petals BC SOAP 5.0.0+

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The key store 'Petals' containing the private/public key pair of the proxyfied service provider for SSL can be generated with the following command line:
keytool -genkey -alias petals-service-provider -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keypass keypetalspwd \
-dname "CN=SSL Proxyfied Service Provider, OU=Petals, O=Linagora, L=Grasse, ST=AM, C=FR" \
-storetype PKCS12 -storepass keystorepetalspwd -keystore /tmp/keystore-petals.jks /tmp/keystore-petals.pfx

** `https-keystore-file`: The keystore file generated as described below,
** `https-keystore-password`: The keystore file password,
** `https-key-password`: the proivate key password.
* at service consumer level to define which transport (http, https or jms) must be used to expose the service provider.

echo "httpsEnabled=true" >> /tmp/petals-bc-soap.cfg
echo "httpsKeystoreFile=/tmp/keystore-petals.jks" "httpsKeystoreFile=/tmp/keystore-petals.pfx" >> /tmp/petals-bc-soap.cfg
echo "httpsKeystoreType=jks" "httpsKeystoreType=PKCS12" >> /tmp/petals-bc-soap.cfg
echo "httpsKeystorePassword=keystorepetalspwd" >> /tmp/petals-bc-soap.cfg
echo "httpsKeyPassword=keystorepetalspwd" >> /tmp/petals-bc-soap.cfg