Petals-BC-REST 2.5.0+

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Current by Christophe DENEUX
on Feb 21, 2024 15:44.

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* {{assertJBIRequestMultiPart}}: The result of the transformation from JBI to a HTTP request is expected as a given HTTP URI and a HTTP multi-part request similar to the given parts.

h3. Assertion 'assertJBIRequestMultiPart'

This assertion validates the transformation of the given JBI request into the given HTTP *multi-part* request.

The parameters of this assertion are:
* {{expectedURI}}: The expected URI of the generated HTTP request,
* {{expectedFormParts}}: The form parts of the generated HTTP request,
* {{opUnderTest}}: The service operation under test generating the HTTP request. The configuration of this service operation is given in the service unit JBI descriptor,
* {{mep}}: The message exchange pattern with which the JBI request send to the service operation under test,
* {{inXMLPayloadResourceName}}: Name of the resource containing the XML payload of the JBI request sent to the service operation under test,
* {{inAttachments}}: Attachments of the JBI request sent to the service operation under test,
* {{uriParameterValues}}: Values of URI parameters in expected HTTP request. Can be {{null}} if not used in generation of the HTTP request.

operation = @ServiceOperationName(
namespace = NAMESPACE, name = "archive"),
placeholders = { @Placeholder(
name = "api-base.url", value = API_BASE_URL) },
suJbiDescriptorResourceName = RESOURCES_HOME + "jbi.xml"
public static ServiceOperationUnderTest OPERATION_ARCHIVE_UNDER_TEST;

public void assertJBIRequestMultipartFormData_nominal() throws Exception {

final String filename = "first.txt";
final String fileContent = "This is a text!";
final ByteArrayDataSource fileSource = new ByteArrayDataSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(fileContent.getBytes()),

final FormBodyPart expectedPartFile = FormBodyPartBuilder.create()
.setBody(new InputStreamBody(new ByteArrayInputStream(fileContent.getBytes()), ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN, filename))
final FormBodyPart expectedPartDuration = FormBodyPartBuilder.create()
.setBody(new StringBody("P2Y6M5DT12H35M30S", ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN))

URI.create(API_BASE_URL + "/item/" + FILENAME),
new FormBodyPart[] {
expectedPartDuration },
RESOURCES_HOME + "request.xml",
new JUnitRestJBIAttachment[] {
new JUnitRestJBIAttachment(filename, new DataHandler(fileSource)) });

h3. Example

import static;