Petals-SE-Camel 1.4.0+

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This word was removed. This word was added.
This line was added.

Changes (4)

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*** ...
** the API {{MarshallingHelper.unmarshal(Message, Class<T>)}} has moved to {{MarshallingHelper.unmarshal(Exchange, Class<T>)}},
** Placeholders are no more defined through {{Properties}} but through {{Placeholders}},
** to generate your beans from an XSD or WSDL definition, use the Maven plugin '{{org.patrodyne.jvnet:hisrc-higherjaxb-maven-plugin}}' instead of '{{org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2:maven-jaxb2-plugin}}',
* in your unit tests:
** JUnit 5 is now required for your unit tests,
** the assertion '{{assertMockEndpointsSatisfied}}' is replaced by '{{assertIsSatisfied}}',.
** Placeholders are no more defined through {{Properties}} but through {{Placeholders}}.

h2. From 1.2.x to 1.3.x