Petals-SE-Flowable 1.5.0+

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h3. petals:getPlaceholder

This custom JUEL function retrieve the value as {{String}} of the given placeholder.

* the first argument is the placeholder name as {{String}}, required,
* the second argument is the default value, as {{String}}, to use if the given placeholder is not defined, optional. If this argument is not provided, a null value will be returned if the placeholder is not defined.

<serviceTask id="servicetask1" name="User Task"
<flowable:field name="param1">

h1. Configuring the component

h2. Using placeholders to configure the process definition

The placeholders defined in the properties file of the SE Flowable can be used in the process definition. A dedicated map variable containing all placeholders is set when starting the process instance: *petalsPlaceholders*. If the placeholder '{{signaturePeriod}}' is defined, it can be used as following in the process definition:
<intermediateCatchEvent id="waitBeforeGetStatus" name="Wait">
<timeDuration>${empty execution.variableInstances.petalsPlaceholders.getValue().signaturePeriod ? "PT1H" : execution.variableInstances.petalsPlaceholders.getValue().signaturePeriod}</timeDuration>
The placeholders defined in the properties file of the SE Flowable can be used in the process definition through the [custom JUEL function '{{petals:getPlaceholder(...)}}'|#petals_getPlaceholder].

{note}The dedicated map variable is automatically copied to be accessible as variable of sub-processes.{note}

h1. Business monitoring