Petals-SE-Flowable 1.5.0+

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So, with this, you will be able to test the deployment of your process definition and check process instance creations using the Petals Flowable JUnit framework:
So, with this, you will be able to test the deployment of your process definition and check process instance creations using the Petals Flowable JUnit framework where optional arguments '{{processEngine}}'' and '{{placeholders}}' of the test method are automatically injected through the annotation '{{PetalsFlowableTest}}':
@Deployment(resources = {"jbi/vacationRequest.bpmn20.xml"})
public void theProcessIsDeployableAndInstanciable(final ProcessEngine processEngine, final Placeholders placeholders) {

placeholders.setPlaceholder("my-placeholder", "my-placeholder-value");

final ProcessDefinition processDefinition = processEngine.getRepositoryService()