Petals-BC-Filetransfer 3.x

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This component allows to:

* Expose a file system connector access as a service which provide a set of 8 operations:
** *put:* Write the received JBI messages in a file with a specified name
** *mput:* Write the JBI message attachments it receives into files.

|| Attribute || Description || Default value || Required ||
| filename \\ | The name of the file where the JBI message (the XML content) will be written in. \\
If you want to invoke a service in the JBI bus with files, put the files in the configured directory (folder). At each configured polling period (polling-period), the component fetchs the incoming files.

For each received files and according to the transfer mode (transfer-mode or base-msg), the component creates a new message exchange and attachs the file, either as source, attachment. or none. attachment.

* *$attachment* will set the file in attachment. It will be replaced by a xop:include element which references the attachment (MTOM-like). | | {center}No{center} |

{note}The parameter "transfer-mode" and "base-msg" can not be used at the same time.{note}

h3. Service Unit descriptor