Petals-SE-Validation 1.1

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This component only acts as service provider, not as a service consumer.
In fact, it provides a validation / filtering service (the filtering relies on the validity of the message against the XML Schema).


h1. Recommended usage

The Validation component may be used before calling a critical service.
It allows to make sure the message to send has the right shape.
For some services, this can be useless. For some others though, it can be critical to perform this check.

h2. A typical example
One typical example would be a service converting the received message as data and manipulating it then (e.g. to insert it into a database).
In Petals ESB, that would concern the Petals-BC-SQL component or even the Petals-SE-Talend component.

h1. Miscellaneous information

h2. Validation and chaining services

h2. Supported operations
h2. Limitations

The Validation component supports two operations.
Configurations for this component cannot be used as a proxy to call other services.
Neither to validate attached, nor to intercept and validate messages on the fly.
Interceptors would better fit this kind of use case.

h3. The "validate" operation
The validated / filtered content is always the payload from the input message.

*validate* validates the received message against the XML Schema embedded in the service-unit.
If the message is valid, the returned message is

h1. Creating a XML Validation service (Provides mode)

Each Validation service runs on the Petals Validation component.
The Petals Validation component has native operations to invoke. These operations are inherited by the Validation services.
A Validation service cannot add additional operations. It only has the ones of the XSLT component.

The version 1.1 of the Petals Validation component exposes two operations.
* *validate*: the received message is validated against a XML-Schema. The service returns a boolean response indicating if the message is valid.
* *filter*: the received message is validated against a XML-Schema. If the message is valid, this same message is returned. Otherwise, a fault is raised.

h2. The "validate" operation

The fully qualified name of this operation is:
* *Name space URI:*
* *Local part:* validate

This operation only supports the *InOut* message exchange pattern (MEP).
When invoking this operation, you must call it using its fully qualified name.

Here is the execution flow for this operation:
# The received message is validated against the XML-Schema embedded by the service.
# The validation response is wrapped into a message and sent back.

More precisely, if the message is valid, the returned message is

<!-- The target name space depends on the version of the Validation component -->

The associated name space (a WSDL operation is a QName) depends on the version of the Validation component.
For the version 1.1, this name space is []
This operation only supports the *InOut* message exchange pattern.

h2. The "filter" operation

h3. The "filter" operation
The fully qualified name of this operation is:
* *Name space URI:*
* *Local part:* filter

*filter* filters the received message by validating it against the XML Schema embedded in the service-unit.
If the message is valid, then it is returned as the response.
Otherwise, a fault is raised.
This operation only supports the *InOut* message exchange pattern (MEP).
When invoking this operation, you must call it using its fully qualified name.

Here is the execution flow for this operation:
# The received message is validated against the XML-Schema embedded by the service.
# If the message is valid, this same message is sent back. Otherwise, a fault is raised.

<!-- The target name space depends on the version of the Validation component -->

The associated name space (a WSDL operation is a QName) depends on the version of the Validation component.
For the version 1.1, this name space is []
This operation only supports the *InOut* message exchange pattern.

If the operation is invalid (i.e. is neither *validate*, nor *filter*), then *filter* is the operation by default.

h2. Validation services and WSDL interfaces
h2. WSDL definitions

By default, services deployed on the Validation component do not need a WSDL.

h2. Limitations
h2. JBI descriptor

Configurations for this component cannot be used as a proxy to call other services.
Neither to validate attached, nor to intercept and validate messages on the fly.
Interceptors would better fit this kind of use case.

The validated / filtered content is always the payload from the input message.

h1. Component configuration

The component can be configured through its JBI descriptor file, as shown below.
{code:lang=xml}<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jbi version="1.0"

<component type="service-engine">
<description>A VALIDATION Service Engine</description>

<component-class-name description="Validation Component class"></component-class-name>


The component configuration includes the configuration of the CDK. The following parameters correspond to the CDK configuration.
{include:0 CDK Component Configuration Table}

This component does not have any specific configuration parameter.

The Petals-SE-Validation component can only handle messages coming from inside the bus. Therefore, you cannot specify an external-listener class-name.

h1. Service Configuration

h2. Service Unit descriptor

The Service Unit descriptor file ( jbi.xml ) looks like this:
{code:lang=xml}<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

h2. Service Unit content
h2. Service-Unit content

The service unit must contain the XML Schema and the JBI descriptor (jbi.xml file).
+ myfile2.xsd (required if myfile2.xsd is imported in myfile.xsd)

h1. Configuring the component

The component can be configured through its JBI descriptor file, as shown below.
{code:lang=xml}<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jbi version="1.0"

<component type="service-engine">
<description>A VALIDATION Service Engine</description>

<component-class-name description="Validation Component class"></component-class-name>


The component configuration includes the configuration of the CDK. The following parameters correspond to the CDK configuration.
{include:0 CDK Component Configuration Table}

This component does not have any specific configuration parameter.