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The wide variety of possibilities (allowed by the non-less important variety of _Talend components_, and by the features of the Petals-SE-Talend component) makes this solution a very flexible one. However, as a sSwiss-knife component, *the Petals-SE-Talend component should mainly be seen as a functional service-engine*. Performances, without being bad, cannot be the best ones offered. People looking for a very specific and performant high-performance usage will prefer develop their own Petals component, or use Petals-SE-Pojo or Petals-SE-Jsr181 components.
The only differences are the job's content (which Talend components have been added into the job) and the generated WSDL (which depends on the job content and the export options).
The service-unit structure and the jbi.xml are described farther.
This section only introduces the export options and their impact on the result.
The generated WSDL is not discussed in this documentation.
The generated WSDL is not discussed in this documentation.
* The context name will be used as the attachment name.
* The file will be deleted by the component right after its content was loaded. |
* The file will be deleted by the component right after its content was loaded. |
| Parameter and Out-Attachment | A mix between the Parameter and the Out-Attachement modes.
* The context is exposed as a parameter.
* It will also be read after the job execution.
* It will also be read after the job execution.
The most important thing to understand is that this component is not intended to be used without Talend products.
It is useless to create JBI descriptor and a service-unit by hand for this component.
It is useless to create JBI descriptor and a service-unit by hand for this component.
In fact, you should even care about the operations this component suppports, and only rely on the WSDL generated at the export.
The operations contained by the generated WSDL only contain the operations that this component supports.
{code:lang=xml}<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jbi:component type="service-engine">
<jbi:component type="service-engine">
<jbi:component type="service-engine">
<jbi:component type="service-engine">
A service engine to expose and run Talend jobs as services in Petals
<jbi:path-element />
<!-- CDK specific fields -->
<jbi:path-element />
<!-- CDK specific fields -->
<jbi:path-element />
<!-- CDK specific fields -->
<jbi:path-element />
<!-- CDK specific fields -->
</petalsCDK:jbi-listener-class-name> </petalsCDK:jbi-listener-class-name>
<!-- Component specific configuration -->
The WSDL-based validation for exchanges checks that the called operation,
the MEP and the input message are valid with respect to the WSDL.
This property is also available for service-units.
Enabling this property in the component enables it for all the service-units
deployed on this component and overrides their configurations.
When set to false, the service-unit property is used.
Set this property to true to enable it, false to disable it.
This property is optional. Default is false.
Beware, performances are impacted if this property is enabled.
<!-- Component specific configuration -->
The WSDL-based validation for exchanges checks that the called operation,
the MEP and the input message are valid with respect to the WSDL.
This property is also available for service-units.
Enabling this property in the component enables it for all the service-units
deployed on this component and overrides their configurations.
When set to false, the service-unit property is used.
Set this property to true to enable it, false to disable it.
This property is optional. Default is false.
Beware, performances are impacted if this property is enabled.