Petals-SE-Validation 1.1

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This chaining service can be implemented by a POJO (a Java service that runs in Petals) or an Enterprise Integration Pattern (EIP).
It could also be implemented by a BPEL process, but in fact, that would not be a good idea.
A BPEL process needs any called service to have a WSDL, and sends messages according to these WSDLs.
Typically, working with BPEL means you assume that you are in a perfect SOA world. Thus, using the Validation component with BPEL is useless.
This chaining service can be implemented by a POJO (an home made Java Class) or an Enterprise Integration Pattern (EIP).
It could also be implemented by a BPEL process, but this latter needs that the WSDL proposes by the Validation component is correct and completed.
Note that BPEL can validate by itself the message during its processing, so it may be useless to use the Validation component in some cases.

h2. Limitations

*Configuration of a Service Unit to provide a service (Validation)*
