Petals ESB source code tree

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Current by Victor NOËL
on May 28, 2015 15:09.

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Changes (3)

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** {{cdk}}: The Petals Component Development Kit,
** {{components}}: Petals ESB components,
*** {{petals-components-parent}}: Contains, among other things, the list of dependencies provided by the JBI classloader to the components.
** {{sls}}: Petals ESB shared libraries.
* the '{{container}}' is composed of following sub-projects:
*** {{petals-transporter-remote-ws}} : A potential future implementation of the remote transporter using SOAP over HTTP(S) (ie: web-service)
** {{extensions}} : Contains all internal components that can be added to a Petals ESB node to add features:
*** {{petals-extensions-parent}}: Contains, among other things, the list of dependencies provided by the microkernel to the extensions.
*** {{petals-artifact-repository}}: The [Petals Artifact Repository|Petals ESB "Artifact repository"],
*** {{petals-autoloader}}: The [Petals Autoloader|Petals ESB "Autoloader"],
*** {{petals-ws-api}}: The [Petals WS API|Petals ESB "WS API"],
** {{petals-boostrap-launcher}}: There is defined what is available in the system classloader aka JBI classloader. Also contains the code first started by the JVM.
** {{petals-microkernel-api}}: The API of {{petals-microkernel}} to implement internal components and to implement Petals extensions
** {{petals-microkernel}}: The Petals microkernel containing the internal components that can't be implemented differently and the mechanisms to load implementation of other components and extensions