Enabling the SNMP agent of a Petals ESB JVM

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{note}Caution, if Petals ESB runs with a user different from root, you need to use a port upper than 1024. To use a port lower than 1024 with a Petals ESB launches with a standard user, refers to the utility *privbind* (available in standard Ubuntu repository).{note}
{note}To use the same port on the same machine for several java processes, refers to snmpd used as proxy.{note}

{note}Caution, the ACL file should be accessible (read and write: 'chmod 600 xxx') only by the user running the JVM process.{note}
{warn}If you use the OpenJDK 6 or lower, you can't enable the SNMP agent. It is missing because of a non-free implementation. Move to the OpenJDK 7 or upper.{warn}
{info}[Get more information on enabling SNMP into a JVM|http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/management/SNMP.html]{info}{info}[Get more information on the Java Virtual Machine MIB|http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/management/JVM-MANAGEMENT-MIB.mib]{info}