Cloud Installation

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In the Roboconf graph, just define the Roboconf component associated to your Petals component and extending the right Roboconf component {{PetalsBC or PetalsSE}} provided by the Roboconf template for Petals. It is needed to be able to define the configuration parameters of the Petals component, and potentially to define its dependencies with other resources or applications managed by Roboconf. Commonly, a binding component providing services will have a dependency to another Robocong application (for example, a BC SOAP can be linked to an external web application providing web-services), and a service engine can require a software resource for its own usage (for example, the SE Activiti requires a database).

In the Roboconf instances, just add a new instance of the new Roboconf component as a child of your instances {{PetalsContainer}} and {{PetalsContainerBootstrap}}. The Roboconf instance name is used as the JBI identifier of the Petals component, and *must match* the one defined into the JBI archive.
Each configuration parameters of your component (as CDK configuration parameters or dedicated configuration parameters) can be set or overriden at the instance level. Just declare them as instance properties. You can add the placeholders '{{container-name}}' and '{{component-name}}' in value of your configuration parameters.

h5. Adding a binding component use only as service consumer
instance of PetalsBCSoap {
name: petals-bc-soap;

PetalsJBIComponent.propertiesFile: /etc/petals-esb/container-available/${container-name}/${component-name}.properties;
instance of PetalsBCSoap {
name: petals-bc-soap;

PetalsJBIComponent.propertiesFile: /etc/petals-esb/container-available/${container-name}/${component-name}.properties;
instance of PetalsSEActiviti {
name: petals-se-activiti;

PetalsJBIComponent.propertiesFile: /etc/petals-esb/container-available/${container-name}/${component-name}.properties;