Installing Petals ESB using the Debian packages

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|| Package || Description || Depends on || Required for a production use ||
| {{petals-commons}} | The base package of all Petals products | {{base-files}} | required |
| {{petals-esb}} | The base package of Petals ESB to run a minimalist container | {{java2-runtime}}, {{java7-runtime-headless}}, {{curl}} and {{petals-commons}} | required |
| {{petals-esb-autoloader}} | The extension "Petals ESB Autoloader" | {{petals-esb}} | not recommended |
| {{petals-esb-artfifact-repository}} | The extension "Petals ESB artifact repository" | {{petals-esb}} | optional |
The dedicated Petals system user and group are also removed when purging packages. The Petals container configurations ({{/etc/petals-esb/container-available}}) are never removed except the sample one, to be reused eventually.

{tip}All Petals ESB containers declared into {{/etc/petals-esb/container-enable}} will be automatically stopped during the uninstallation process. If you have started manually other Petals ESB containers, you must stop them before to launch the uninstallation process.{tip}

h1. Upgrading Petals ESB
* and installed new Petals ESB packages.

{tip}All Petals ESB containers declared into {{/etc/petals-esb/container-enable}} will be automatically stopped during the uninstallation process and restarted during the installation process. If you have started manually other Petals ESB containers, you must stop them before to launch the uninstallation process, and restart them after the installation process.{tip}

h1. Content of the packages
*** {{topology.xml}}: the Petals topology of which the container is a member,
*** {{}}: configuration file of the logging system based on JDK Logging,
*** {{}}: configuration file of the logging system Log4J,
* {{/etc/petals-esb/container-enable}}: A directory containing links to sub-directoryies of {{/etc/petals-esb/container-available}}. If a container is linked into this directory, it will be automatically started on machine startup,
* {{/var/lib/petals-esb/<container-name>}}: Default location of the root directory of the Petals container data area. It will contain:
* {{/usr/share/petals-esb/licenses}}: Directory containing license files.

If needed, this package creates also the system user and group '*petals*' that runs Petals ESB container process.

h2. Content of the package "{{petals-esb-autoloader}}"