Petals-SE-Activiti 1.1.0+

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Changes (1)

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| engine-identity-service-class-name | Class name of the entity service to use. | {center}{{org.ow2.petals.activitibpmn.identity.file.FileIdentityService}}{center} | {center}No{center} | {center}Installation{center} |
| engine-identity-service-config-file | Configuration file of the entity service used. | {center}The default configuration of the entity service is service dependent. See documentation of the entity service{center} | {center}No{center} | {center}Installation{center} |
| engine-rest-api-enable | Enable the REST API of the Flowable engine. | {center}true{center} | {center}No{center} | {center}Installation{center} |
| engine-rest-api-port | Listenning port of the REST API of the Flowable engine. | {center}8089{center} | {center}No{center} | {center}Installation{center} |
| engine-rest-api-address | Listenning interface of the REST API of the Flowable engine. To listen on all network interface use the value '{{}}' | {center}{center} | {center}No{center} | {center}Installation{center} |
| engine-rest-api-access-group | Group name of users that can use the Flowable REST API. By default the user '{{rest-api-user}}/{{user-api-rest-password}}' is the only member of the group '{{rest-api-users}}'| {center}rest-api-users{center} | {center}No{center} | {center}Installation{center} |
