Monitoring processes with their logs

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When you activate the log handler {{PetalsExchangeDumperFileHandler}}, any log message is saved as following:
* the log trace is logged in the log file identified by the following pattern: {{$PETALS_HOME/logs/flow-monitoring/<flow instance id>/petals.log}}
* for log trace with level MONIT:
** the content of the message exchange dumped in a file identified as following: {{$PETALS_HOME/logs/flow-monitoring/<flow instance id>/<flow step id>_<trace code>.xml}}
* for log trace with level MONIT, the content of the message exchange is dumped in a file identified as following: {{$PETALS_HOME/logs/flow-monitoring/<flow instance id>/<flow step id>_<trace code>.xml}}
** the exchange content logged is composed of:
*** message exchange identifier,
*** name of operation invoked,
*** message exchange properties,
*** normalized messages "IN", "OUT" or "Fault" of the message exchange, with for each normalized message:
**** normalized message properties,
**** normalized message content, the XML payload,
***** attachment size if available,
***** attachment content, that will be available in a next version,
*** fault of the message exchange if exist. Dumped as a normalized message,
*** error if exists. Dumped as an error stack trace.