Use Cases for Petals BC SOAP 5.0.0+

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The goal of this use-case is to show you how to configure the service units of BS Soap on both sides:
* to import into Petals, an external service secured with WS-Security. This external service is implemented by a [CXF Service sample|],
* to export to outside an internal Petals service, secured with SSL and WS-Security.


h3. About the external service provider

A service provider 'ArticleServiceContinuation' is available as a SoapUI mock secured by SSL and WSS at [http://localhost:8088/mockArticleServiceContinuationSoap11Binding-SSL-WSS?wsdl]. Just import the [SoapUI project|].
An external service provider 'ArticleServiceContinuation' is available as [CXF webservice secured by WSS|] at [http://localhost:8088/mockArticleServiceContinuationSoap11Binding-SSL-WSS?wsdl].

Once the SoapUI project mocking the external service provider is imported:
# generate the key store 'external',
# configure your SoapUI to use SSL with mocked service 'ArticleServiceContinuationSoap11Binding-SSL-WSS MockService', and start it.

h3. Generate the key store 'external'

The key store 'external' containing the private/public key pair of the external service provider for SSL can be generated with the following command line:
To start it, just execute the following Maven command line in its directory project:
keytool -genkey -alias soapui-external-service-provider -keyalg RSA -keypass keyextpwd \
-dname "CN=SSL External Service Provider, OU=Petals, O=Linagora, L=Grasse, ST=AM, C=FR" \
-storepass keystoreextpwd -keystore keystore-external.jks
mvn clean verify exec:java

h3. Configure SoapUI to use SSL with the mocked service provider
h3. About the proxified service provider

# In SoapUI, click *Preferences* on the main toolbar or select *File* > *Preferences* and switch to the *SSL Preferences* page.
# Enable SSL for Mock Services,
# Set the port 8089 for Mock Services secured by SSL,
# Set the key store file to used,
# Set the password of the key store, as well as the password for the key (even if you specified the same password when creating the keystore).
The proxified service provider is the Petals service consumer re-exposing the external service provider to outside.

The external service is re-exposed in 4 ways:
* with protocol HTTP and without WS-Security enabled,
* with protocol HTTP and WS-Security enabled,
* with protocol HTTPS and without WS-Security enabled,
* with protocol HTTPS and WS-Security enabled,

h3. Generate the key store 'Petals'

The key store 'Petals' containing the private/public key pair of the proxyfied service provider for SSL can be generated with the following command line:
A specific keystore 'Petals' containing the private/public key pair of the proxified service provider to configure its SSL part is needed, and can be generated with the following command line:
keytool -genkey -alias petals-service-provider -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 \