Petals-BC-SQL 1.2.X

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h2. Service Unit Configuration

{include:0 CDK SU Provide Configuration}
{center}{*}Configuration of a Service Unit to provide a service (SQL)*{center}

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| url | The JDBC URL of the target database | {center}\-{center} | {center}Yes{center} |
| driver | The JDBC Driver class name. The JDBC library must be accessible via a JBI Shared Library. \\
If not set, the driver is automatically resolved for: mysql,oracle,hsql,sqlserver,derby,postgresql,db2,sybase. | {center}automatic{center} | {center}No{center} |
| user | The database user. | {center}\-{center} | {center}Yes{center} |
| password | The database password. | {center}\-{center} | {center}Yes{center} |
| maxActive | The maximum number of active connections that can be allocated from the database connection pool at the same time. \\
Negative for no limit. | {center}8{center} | {center}No{center} |
| maxIdle | The maximum number of connections that can remain idle in the database connection pool, without extra ones being released. \\
Negative for no limit. | {center}8{center} | {center}No{center} |
| minIdle | The minimum number of connections that can remain idle in the the database connection pool, without extra ones being created. \\
Zero to create none. | {center}0{center} | {center}No{center} |
| maxWait | The maximum amount of milliseconds that the pool will wait for a connection to be returned before throwing an exception (when there are no available connections). \\
\-1 to wait indefinitely. | {center}\-1{center} | {center}No{center} |
| timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis | The number of milliseconds to sleep between runs of the idle object evictor thread. \\
When non-positive, no idle object evictor thread will be run. | {center}\-1{center} | {center}No{center} |
| metadata | If true, When the 'select' operation is used, the response contains metadata on result elements(Row type,index...). | {center}false{center} | {center}No{center} |

h3. Service Unit descriptor

The SQL component creates dataSource JDBC DataSource initialized with the Service Unit parameters.
You have to deploy a Service Unit with a JBI descriptor containing a provides section and the following parameters.
Here is a sample of a SU JBI descriptor to configure a MyDataBaseSQL MYSQL service.
<jbi:jbi version="1.0"

{include:0 CDK SU Provide Configuration}
{center}{*}Configuration of a Service Unit to provide a service (SQL)*{center}

|| Parameter || Description || Default || Required ||
| url | The JDBC URL of the target database | {center}\-{center} | {center}Yes{center} |
| driver | The JDBC Driver class name. The JDBC library must be accessible via a JBI Shared Library. \\
If not set, the driver is automatically resolved for: mysql,oracle,hsql,sqlserver,derby,postgresql,db2,sybase. | {center}automatic{center} | {center}No{center} |
| user | The database user. | {center}\-{center} | {center}Yes{center} |
| password | The database password. | {center}\-{center} | {center}Yes{center} |
| maxActive | The maximum number of active connections that can be allocated from the database connection pool at the same time. \\
Negative for no limit. | {center}8{center} | {center}No{center} |
| maxIdle | The maximum number of connections that can remain idle in the database connection pool, without extra ones being released. \\
Negative for no limit. | {center}8{center} | {center}No{center} |
| minIdle | The minimum number of connections that can remain idle in the the database connection pool, without extra ones being created. \\
Zero to create none. | {center}0{center} | {center}No{center} |
| maxWait | The maximum amount of milliseconds that the pool will wait for a connection to be returned before throwing an exception (when there are no available connections). \\
\-1 to wait indefinitely. | {center}\-1{center} | {center}No{center} |
| timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis | The number of milliseconds to sleep between runs of the idle object evictor thread. \\
When non-positive, no idle object evictor thread will be run. | {center}\-1{center} | {center}No{center} |
| metadata | If true, When the 'select' operation is used, the response contains metadata on result elements(Row type,index...). | {center}false{center} | {center}No{center} |

{include:0 CDK SU Interceptor configuration}

h3. Service Unit content
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - jbi.xml (as defined above)

h1. Component Configuration
{note}Caution: the component requires at least a JDBC Shared Library. Please install first a valid Shared Library containing your database JDBC driver. Then you can configure your component by using PEtALS maven plugin with the goal jbi:configure or the PEtALS Ant task petals-configure-component.{note}

The following attributes can be set during the installation phase to configure the component, using the params element of the jbi-install-component ANT task:
{center}{*}Configuration of the component (CDK)*{center}














|| {color:#333333}Parameter{color} || {color:#333333}Description{color} || {color:#333333}Default{color} || {color:#333333}Required{color} || {color:#333333}Required{color} ||
| acceptor-pool-size | The size of the thread pool used to accept Message Exchanges from the NMR. Once a message is accepted, its processing is delegated to the processor pool thread. | 3 | Yes | Runtime |
| processor-pool-size | The size of the thread pool used to&nbsp;process Message Exchanges. Once a message is accepted, its processing is delegated to one of the thread of this pool. | 10 | Yes | Runtime |
| processor-max-pool-size | The maximum size of the thread pool used to process Message Exchanges. The difference between this size and the processorpool-size represents the dynamic threads that can be created and destroyed during overhead processing time. \\ | 50 | No | Runtime |
| notifications | Enable the EDA mode. The component produces and consumes notifications. See the EDA documentation for further details. \\ | false | No | Installation |
| ignored-status | When the component receives an acknowledgement message exchange, it can skip the processing of these message according to the type of the acknowledgment. If you decide to not ignore some acknowledgement, the component listeners must take care of them. \\
| properties-file | Name of the file containing properties used as reference by other parameters. Parameters reference the property name in the following pattern $\{myPropertyName}. At runtime, the expression is replaced by the value of the property. \\
The value of this parameter is :
* an URL
* a file relative to the PEtALS installation path
* an empty value to stipulate a non-using file | \- | No | Installation |
| external-listener-class-name | Qualified name of the class extending *AbstractExternalListener*
{note}Only for Binding Components{note} | \- | No | Component |
| jbi-listener-class-name | Qualified name of the class extending *AbstractJBIListener* | \- | Yes | Component |













{petalslink}{include:0 CDK Component Configuration Table}{petalslink}

*Definition of CDK parameter scope :*

* *Component :* The parameter has been defined during the development of the component. A user of the component can not change its value.
* *Installation:* The parameter can be set during the installation of the component, by using the installation MBean (see JBI specifications for details about the installation sequence). If the parameter is optional and has not been defined during the development of the component, it is not available at installation time.
* *Runtime :* The paramater can be set during the installation of the component and during runtime. The runtime configuration can be changed using the CDK custom MBean named RuntimeConfiguration. If the parameter is optional and has not been defined during the development of the component, it is not available at installation and runtime times.

{petalslink}{include:0 CDK Parameter scope}{petalslink}
{include:0 CDK Component Configuration Table 2.1}
{include:0 CDK Parameter scope}
{include:0 CDK Component Interceptor configuration}