Interactive Command Line Mode

List of all available interactive commands

When launched in interactive mode, Petals ESB offers the following commands :

  • c : displays all the installed JBI components
  • d : displays the content of the JNDI naming directory
  • hd [ZIP filePath] : installs and starts a component, a service assembly or a shared library
  • hu [ZIP filePath] : shuts down and uninstall a component, a service assembly or a shared library
  • i : displays some information on the local container
  • l : displays the list of all the endpoints deployed within the Petals ESB subdomain
  • p : displays the current file system path
  • q : stops Petals ESB without uninstalling anything
  • s : synchronizes the endpoint registry with other containers (not available on the master node)
  • sp [Path] : changes the current file system path
  • x : shuts Petals ESB down after having uninstalled everything
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