Flowable UIs

Flowable User Interface

Flowable provides several web applications to demonstrate and leverage the functionality provided by the Flowable project. These web applications can be used with a Petals-SE-Flowable instance.

UI Applications

Flowable offers four web applications enbaling Flowable engine monitoring:

  • Flowable IDM
  • Flowable Modeler
  • Fowable Task
  • Flowable Admin

The Flowable User Interface does not need the four web applications to work correctly. In our case we will only use Flowable IDM and Flowable Admin:

  • Flowable-IDM: an Identity Management application that provides single sign-on authentication functionality for all the Flowable UI applications, and, for users with the IDM administrative privilege, it also provides functionality to manage users, groups and privileges.
  • Flowable Admin: an administrative application that allows users with admin privilege to query the BPMN, DMN, form and content engines and provides several options to change process instances, tasks, jobs and so on. The admin application connects to the engines through the REST API that is deployed with the Petals-SE-Flowable instance.

Flowable UI Admin Installation

Required configuration


Connection between API REST and Flowable UI

  1. Go to the Flowable directory previously downloaded, then go inside the "wars" subdirectory.
  2. Copy "flowable-admin.war" and "flowable-idm.war" files in "/var/lib/tomcatX/webapps" where X is the version of your Apache Tomcat install.
  3. Go to "/var/lib/tomcatX/lib/".
  4. In this directory, create a file named "flowable-ui-app.properties". Edit this file copying the text which is available at this address : https://github.com/flowable/flowable-engine/blob/master/modules/flowable-ui-admin/src/main/resources/META-INF/flowable-ui-app/flowable-ui-app.properties.
  5. Edit the following properties:
    • rest.process.app.host: DEFAULT_ENGINE_REST_API_ADDRESS ( by default)
    • rest.process.app.port: DEFAULT_ENGINE_REST_API_PORT (8089 by default)
    • rest.process.app.contextroot: flowable-rest-api
    • rest.process.app.restroot: /
    • rest.process.app.user: api-user
    • rest.process.app.password: user-api-password
    • idm.admin.user: kermit
    • idm.admin.password: kermit

Connection between database and Flowable UI:

Several types of database work with Flowable UI:

  • h2
  • mysql
  • oracle
  • postgre
  • db2
  • mssql

A database, whose the type belongs to the list above, has to be deloyed with the Petals-SE Flowable instance. This database will store Flowable UI users and deployed processes.
To connect a database to the Flowable UI you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to "/var/lib/tomcatX/lib/".
  2. Edit "flowable-ui-app.properties" file:
    1. Comment all datasource.driver properties which does not refer to the type of yout database and uncomment the convenient datasource.driver property.
    2. Uncomment the datasource.url property and change the value property by the path/address to your database. Comment others database.url properties which are uncommented.
    3. Assign database login and database password to the datasource.username and database.password properties.
  3. In "/var/lib/tomcatX/lib/", create a file called db.properties.
  4. Edit this file copying the text which is available at this address : https://github.com/flowable/flowable-engine/blob/master/modules/flowable-app-rest/src/main/resources/db.properties.
  5. Like in "flowable-ui-app.properties" edit the properties of this file :
    • db: assign the type of your database (h2, mysql, oracle, postgres, db2, mssql).
    • datasource.driver, datasource.url, datasource.username, datasource.password: assign the values that you gave to these properties in "flowable-ui-app.properties" file.

NB: If you use a h2 database, you have to change Flowable UI web applications h2 jar files.

  1. Get the convenient jar file at: https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=com/h2database/h2/1.4.178/h2-1.4.178.jar.
  2. Go inside "/var/lib/tomcatX/webapps/flowable-admin/WEB-INF/lib" and delete h2-1.3.176.jar file.
  3. Copy the downloaded h2 jar file in this directory.
  4. Go inside "/var/lib/tomcatX/webapps/flowable-idm/WEB-INF/lib" and delete h2-1.3.176.jar file.
  5. Copy the downloaded h2 jar file in this directory.

Access to Flowable UI

  1. Go to "/var/lib/tomcatX/bin and execute startup.sh (startup.bat on Windows) script to start Tomcat.
  2. Go to http://localhost:8080/flowable-idm and you will have access to Flowable IDM, and http://localhost:8080/flowable-admin for Flowable-Admin.
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