Petals ESB lifecycles


Several concurrent life-cycles exist in Petals ESB:

  • the Petals ESB life-cycle,
  • the share-library life-cycle,
  • the component life-cycle,
  • the service-assembly life-cycle,
  • the service-unit life-cyle.
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The Petals ESB life-cyle

The Petals ESB life-cycle is very simple.

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A Gliffy Diagram named: Petals ESB lifecyle

It contains only one state: STARTED. The implicit state 'STOPPED' does not really exist because in such state no Petals ESB process is running.

The shared-library life-cyle

The shared-library life-cycle is simple.

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A Gliffy Diagram named: Shared-Library lifecyle

It contains only one state: INSTALLED. The implicit state 'UNINSTALLED' does not really exist because the shared-library is not instantiated or loaded.

The component life-cycle

The service-assembly life-cycle

The service-unit life-cyle

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