Building Petals ESB source code


  1. You have an access to the OW2's MRM (Nexus),
  2. You have an access to the PetalsLink's MRM (Artifactory)
  3. Your Maven's setting file is right, containing an activated default profile:

    containing MRM declarations:

         <name>PetalsLink - Other - Releases - Repository</name>
         <name>PetalsLink - Public - Releases - Repository</name>
         <name>PetalsLink - Public - Snapshot - Repository</name>
         <name>OW2 - Public - Release - Repository</name>
         <name>OW2 - Public - Snapshot - Repository</name>
         <name>PetalsLink - Other - Releases - Repository</name>
         <name>PetalsLink - Public - Releases - Repository</name>
         <name>PetalsLink - Public - Snapshot - Repository</name>
         <name>OW2 - Public - Release - Repository</name>
         <name>OW2 - Public - Snapshot - Repository</name>

MRMs usages:

MRM Contains
PetalsLink - Other - Releases - Repository Third party products released not available on other Internet Maven repository
PetalsLink - Public - Releases - Repository Artifacts of the Petals area and not developed by the Petals ESB team, as Easy*
PetalsLink - Public - Snapshot - Repository Artifacts, in their snapshot version, of the Petals area and not developed by the Petals ESB team, as Easy*
OW2 - Public - Release - Repository Petals ESB artifacts released
OW2 - Public - Snapshot - Repository Petals ESB artifacts in snapshot version

Building Petals ESB

Checkout the project you want to build (see Petals ESB source code tree), and execute in the directory of the checked out project:

mvn clean install
To build Petals ESB in the same conditions than a release process, the profile 'ow2-release' must be used:
mvn clean install -Pow2-release
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